CREATIVITY POLLL 1: Have you become more ... - Cure Parkinson's

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CREATIVITY POLLL 1: Have you become more creative since having Parkinson's?

JonStamford profile imageJonStamford98 Voters

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16 Replies

I find myself compelled to do art projects once I get started on a work I never want to put it down.

I was told my art work has greatly improved

JohnPepper profile image

I learned to Paint with oils, six years after I was diagnosed. I go to art classes regularly and enjoy painting very much. I find it very therapeutic. My family love my paintings and have them all over their homes now.

I strongly recommend evryone to give it a go!


ccobroussard profile image

I have always been creative but working all the time I didn't have time to do anything the last 10 years or so, now that I can no longer work I have time to do those things again

honeycombe3 profile image

Like ccobroussard I alwa ys had a creative bent but no time to indulge myself. I'm not a practical person ie I'm no good at activities involving the hands & making things. However I sing, cook creatively, design jewellery which a friend makes up (opals & silver) & do a bit of interior design. I have developed an eye for unusual furniture, wrought iron work & ceramics. As my late mother-in-law who lived with us was a fine arts graduate I suppose I have become educated over the years. I satisfy my passion for art by buying work from local artists & displaying them in my (large) home. I am banned from the garden for killing all green things & the only other creative activity I cannot seem to pursue is writing fiction. I have 3 novels on different themes as 'works in progress' which aren't ...if you take my meaning. I simply can't get motivated to finish any of them.

kkh47 profile image

I've lost all creativity since my diagnosis. I was a clothing designer for 20 yrs.with my own successful company Karen Warren, Ltd. Since the diagnosis, I haven't been able to think of any new designs. I think I was blindsided by the dx. I have come up w/some new ideas lately, though. I hope my creativity is on it's way back!

I have left the work force since diagnosis, and now have the time i didn't have before to devote to machine quilting, but i have expanded my creativity and do beading (necklaces and bracelet). beading can be quite challenging on certain days but i am nothing if not stubborn :)

sherrywolz profile image

I have not worked outside of the home since 2007, and began making stuffed animals. I haven't been able to stop!!! Now fund raising for the APDA.......Critters for a Cause!

PatV profile image

I started dance when I was fifty. Now every movement requires choreographing :D

Brooke profile image

I have written quite a few poems. I never had written a poem before.

inkyorion profile image

I inherited the artistic gene from my mother so have always been creative but since diagnosis, have definitely slowed down in most aspects of my life. On the plus side, have developed a passion for baking cakes and have become very popular with my grandchildren. Also find myself designing my own birthday and christmas cards and have taken up knitting again and any needlecraft i can get my hands on. Worked full time from when children were born and retired at 60 only to find PD rearing its ugly head. Never had time before to indulge my creative side but maybe I have PD to thank for all these hidden talents resurfacing. Feel there's more to come as I approach my seventies.

oldskool49 profile image

I just do not have the time I want. I am a photographer on the side besides working 50+ hours a week. But I do plan on taking my camera to a new level and my knack for playing with old cars.

marimad profile image

I knit and sew and create my own designs and that hasn't changed... But, I find that I clean the house more, paint (always hated to paint) since I was prescribed Ropinirole.

PD DR told me that PD pts are drawn to gambling or excessive cleaning. I live in Las Vegas, but gambling does not appeal to me... I do play Poker on occasion with friends or online. I have a higher preference for Word Games tho.

olpilot profile image

I make cabinets and furniture, love woodworking it is therapy for me. Haven't done any cllasses 8th grade, nearly 50 years ago.

Susie01 profile image

I was always creative, now the tremors get in the way of some things like sewing. I use to paint but the tremors have also affected that ability. I always loved gardening and having a beautiful yard. I am still able to do this, but balance is sometimes a real issue.

quirkyme profile image

poets and other writers: we should put together a poetry anthology.

My husband was also 'blindsided' by his dx. He's always been high functioning and capable, proud of his work. He retired soon after his diagnosis. His hands don't work well or I think he'd be making some music. He can still sing but hasn't pursued that.

I'm so happy for everyone who's busy making things!! You can't keep a good person down!!!

bass123 profile image

As my username implies, I have been a working musician all my life. I was diagnosed with PD 5 years ago but have noticed no change in my creativity as a bass player, just that it is becoming more difficult to make my fingers execute the ideas in my head. It's a bugger but I will not be beaten by the bloody PD, so still gigging and recording !