Continuing reflux: Hi all, Is there... - Oesophageal & Gas...

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Continuing reflux

Popsic profile image
12 Replies

Hi all,

Is there anyone who has found that as the time goes on ( 7yrs post op ), that reflux, heartburn is more frequent ? I seem to be experiencing heartburn on a more daily basis for the last 2 weeks, I’m waking up with it again, as the day goes on it gets better, but it’s beginning to worry me now, I knew it wouldn’t go completely because of our “plumbing “ now, I’ve been trying to think what I could have eaten etc, I am on 40 mg omeprazole and backs on at night before bed, any suggestions please ?


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12 Replies
rayw55 profile image

I experienced similar after about 7 years and tried to identify causes, one was coffee and I also found that contrary to most advice if I did not eat after 6 pm I got it but if I had a small amount of food around 2 hrs before retiring and when I woke in the night I had something like biscuits that normally it is kept at bay. I'm now 12 years post op and whilst I still wake every night around now (2 am) I don't suffer from reflux which did get really bad again. If your like me you will try anything . We are all different and should try things even if they go against the 'normal' advice . Good luck in finding your resolution its out there somewhere :)

Popsic profile image
Popsic in reply to rayw55

Hi rayw55Thank you for your reply, funny you should say about eating before bed, I find the same, if I eat a little I don't wake with acid, I thought maybe it was because of the stomach being empty, it's like tonic water I can drink that with no serious side effects but if I was to drink a flavoured pop my burps smell weird, I have to take 2 antibiotics a day as I have slow gastric emptying and I'm allergic to domperidone and metaclocamide, my oncologist nurse suggested I cut back on them to 1 a day, which I did, I'm wondering if that's why I'm getting reflux again, I should remember what my dear dad used to say, " if it ain't broke don't fix it" lol.

Spikey profile image

If this has only been happening for the last two weeks, it is possible that it has been triggered either by something you have eaten, or by an infection. You may need to adopt a very plain, bland diet (e.g. boiled eggs, poached fish) for a few days to settle your stomach and get your acid levels under control again. Even after 13 years, I still find that I occasionally have to do this.

Popsic profile image
Popsic in reply to Spikey

Thank you Spikey, I have been eating less and no spice, and back onto 2 antibiotics a day, so hopefully this will help😔

Mauser1905 profile image

hi, sorry to hear your worry.

I am reading in between the lines and trying to connect dots.

delayed gastric emptying+antibiotics twice a day+prezole 40mg twice a day.

its chicken and egg situation here. if the emptying happens at New Normal pace then most of your issues of acid pile up and then pushing up may be resolved autmoatically. the more medicines are thrown in the stomach more chemical reactions are going to flare up the burning in oesophagus. if tolerated in smaller quantities try cold milk to soothe the acid.

i would have asked to try popcorn and toasted bread in the evenings nights etc, but with your delayed emptying that could backfire, unless you risk and trial and error to find yourself.

anti-biotics as the name implies gets rid of ll the bacteria bad and also the good ones in the GI tract. for natural digestion processes good bacteria is required.

I believe other remedies for opening up the pyloric sphinchter have been looked into already? if not time to have these asked for!

Popsic profile image
Popsic in reply to Mauser1905

Thank you for your reply Mauser1905.I have started on acidophilus tabs to replace good bacteria, hoping that helps, to be honest I rarely eat 2 hours before bed but on the occasions that I have, I haven't experienced any reflux, after 7 yrs the hospital are still trying to get my meds right! I drink green tea, decaff coffee, occasionally, water and a water based hot choc at night, I can't stomach milk, it's so difficult when so much contains acidity

Mauser1905 profile image
Mauser1905 in reply to Popsic

whether decaff or not coffee is a major culprit to cause issues when having reflux, same with tea with ot without milk. wy not try avoid these along with hot chocolate as well in the evening completely. maybe in the daytime ok.

medications are very subjective for a patient with abnormal new normal GI system.

None of us are getting any younger or healthier, point being the bad habbits get developed over the years and set in slowly and the occassional prop ups become more prominent like in your case. coffee and hot choc is a definite no no for reflux management and especially in the night time.

Now there are other variables along it, for example your stress levels holistic mental health exaerbating chemical reaction withi the muscles, physical activity levels which exercise the oesophageal muscles, all tiny bits contritube. You yourself may know you body best.

And I would still try to direct the focus on the root cause issue in your GI cross point between lower and upper GI thats the pyloric junction, for ease of use. There is going to be a study research being done in London for placing a bypass from stomach to the duodenum for surgical patients, its in consultation for now.

Whilst you havent mentioned any of the other treatments on your delayed emptying except medications, hence assuming its been looked by appropriate referrals. Assuming the issues have propped up recently for reflux but also guessing the delayed emptying is ongoing for long time? In which case options beyond medications will be required, in my unqualified view.

Popsic profile image
Popsic in reply to Mauser1905

That’s very interesting reading, the issue with delayed emptying has been since the op in 2013, the GI’s have only ever suggested the meds, this study, is it in London ? I have to be honest I will try anything to prolong my life.

Mauser1905 profile image
Mauser1905 in reply to Popsic

The study trial is further down.

For your case the steps would be to get GI referral to discuss next stage as clearly medications are not working and causing multiple other issues.

If you are not aware there are other options apart from medications which you were having, such as botox injection at the pyloric valve, "stretch" this pyloric valve (similarish to oesophageal stretch post oesophagectomy), surgical "cut" to the pyloric junction via endoscopic access.

Some of these are anatomical fixes. Some times it works for longer duration. There is also electrical stimulation at the pyloric junction to entice the valve function. There was a post by some patient who also had slow opening of the LES issue cauaing him difficulty to pass food into stomach and he tried a two copper nodes 9V battery operated device which he used himself on the skin just outside of LES sphincter. But its bit tricky to use this method for the duodenum for the sake of its location.

Point being if the anatomical issue is resolved then the medications may not be required thereafter.

Latest development (research has study) is using a bypass pipe directly from the stomach to the duodenum, this helps empty the stomach better for some of the issues.

Popsic profile image
Popsic in reply to Mauser1905

Thank you for that, as you say a visit to GI specialist is required, I shall be making phone calls to see how far I can get with this. Thank you for your input, I guess we just get on with it and do as we’re told. You just assume your given all the info you need, but it seems we’re not,

Cortex1 profile image

I’m almost 14 years post op but reflux has gotten better with time, not worse. I would definitely check it up.

Popsic profile image
Popsic in reply to Cortex1

Thank you Cortex1,I shall give them a ring on Monday, I. Thinking it’s because I’ve stopped some medication, I’ve restarted on 2 antibiotics again and yesterday and this morning I havnt woken up with reflux!but I shall still get t checked, I’ve never understood why we don’t still have regular endoscopies to make sure all’s ok, I did have one in February this year as I had been having a feeling of food sticking but all was clear..J

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