Any one developed high cholesterol after having Ivor Lewis?
My test come back abnormal.
Any one developed high cholesterol after having Ivor Lewis?
My test come back abnormal.
I am approaching 3 years post surgery and my cholesterol tests are the best they have been in decades.
Hi Debbie,
My cholesterol was high before surgery and thats high post surgery as well.
had statins for that but nomore bothering with it.
whats the readings though?
Yes, I had hard high cholesterol before but sorted it with diet. It became high again after IL and I am now, reluctantly, on statins. The trouble is that cheese is such an easy protein to eat and that post IL I have to eat to keep my weight up. Difficult to do that on low fat everything plus low fat can have high sugar which aggravates dumping. I am just glad I have had no bad effects from the statins.
Hi yes I agree I find cheese easier than chicken, meat to digest. The nurse at my practice not very helpful so will speak to dietician at hospital.
Thanks for your reply