How are you touched by NHL? - Non Hodgkin's Lym...

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How are you touched by NHL?

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16 Replies
AE-IOU456 profile image

I was diagnosed with early stage lymphoma in December 2016 six months after surgery for breast cancer. Feel that fate has been a little unkind to me but am not complaining as I am still an active 75 year old. My biggest problem is not being able to discuss it with my husband as he finds it too distressing and can not understand why I want to read and find out more about the disease. Am now following Ken Crawford's dietary recommendations but keep hearing inside my head 'too little too late'......Rose

yooper5 profile image
yooper5 in reply to AE-IOU456

Contact Dr. Crawford. It is never too late. He has a protocol for cancer survivors.

jmcobb50 profile image
jmcobb50 in reply to AE-IOU456

It's never too late to change to better eating habits! I wish I had started earlier but better late than never! I drink alkaline water, stopped red meat, eat more green vegetables such as spinach, greens, broccoli and cabbbage. No sodas and take Termaric, vitamins and mineral just to name a few. I am Stage 3 a NH Follicular Lymphoma on Watch & Wait. I am 64.

Francar profile image

My sister sadly passed away with an aggressive form of T-Cell non-hodgkin lymphoma only 10 weeks after diagnosis.

BettyK profile image

Where does one find the diet from Ken Crawford. Is it on line? I am a fourteen year survivor of Folicular NHL but they tell me it can still come back. I am now 80 and still would like a few more years. :)

yooper5 profile image
yooper5 in reply to BettyK

His books are for sale on Amazon. He is also on Facebook.

yooper5 profile image
yooper5 in reply to yooper5

You Are What THEY Eat is $35, Nu-Oncology, Cancer Prevention & Anti-Aging is $39. Less than $100, or a fraction of a Pet Scan co-pay.

Tinkerbellcgy profile image
Tinkerbellcgy in reply to BettyK

BettyK, I also have Follicular lymphoma and after 8 years of remission, I relapsed last year. I finished my last chemo in mid-November. I am in remission once again.

AE-IOU456 profile image
AE-IOU456 in reply to BettyK

Hi Betty, I found it recommended on this site by several people and got his 'Kill cancer, you are what they eat' and his previous book in Kindle versions from Amazon. I live in the U.K. andcan't seem to get the actual books here. Have not quite mastered black pepper in green tea but am trying. Good luck, Rose

Curti profile image

I have had NHL twice in 4 1/2 years. The second time was caught completely be accident. I had a PTScan for rotator cuff surgery when an enlarged lymph mode was discovered.

Bernadette01 profile image

I have Waldenstroms NHL, I've been told there is no cure.

BobbiJoan profile image
BobbiJoan in reply to Bernadette01

I have WaldenStrom’s NHL, too and was diagnosed in April 2020. My initial treatment consisted of four weekly infusions of rituximab, with poor results. A few months later, I was put on Ibrutinib and have been on it for a year and a half, with great results, all normal blood tests, thank God. However, in the past several weeks, I have been experiencing severe fatigue, Sleeping 12 to 13 hours at night and taking two or three hour naps in the afternoon most days. And I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this same kind of fatigue. BobbiJo

gmf1 profile image

A family member went through this and is now in remission

looking for info about nodal marginal zone nhl.

Robin-Newman profile image

Also my biggest problem, cannot talk to my husband. I am 8 years out. The day I was diognosed he wanted to know every thought in my head. I keep my thoughts to myself.

Dlindquist54 profile image

Lymphoma "treatable, probably not curable" Oncology appointments every 3 months. Chemo finished June 2013.