2 week old screaming and pooing - Pregnancy and Par...

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2 week old screaming and pooing

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image

my beautiful daughter is now 2 weeks old. She has been quite fussy the last 3 or 4 days and refuses to sleep in her cot. Today she has started to scream the roof off and it really sounds as if she is in great pain. She is also producing a lot of dirty nappies- but they al look like normal pop nappies rather than. Diarrhoea.

It is all very scary and I am at my wits end. I am using drops for colic which seemed to help yesterday but nothing could co sole hee today.

Has anyone come across this and have some advice please?

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Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
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17 Replies
Ranchu90 profile image

If you are breastfeeding her try to avoid dairy products and see if it is making any difference. You should not eat at least one full week to understand if this helps her. It can be from lactose, not necessary that she has an intolerance but sometimes it makes them feel better until they are getting used to the milks protein.

The other thing can be colics but i am definitely not an expert in that area, my twins did not suffer from colics. Have a look on the internet at all the symptoms and compare if this is the case.

Take care 💕🥰 a big kiss for both of you ❤️

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to Ranchu90

Thanks Ranchu- I think baby has colic and with Infacol and extra winding we are managing it quite well. Things are definitely better although she still suffers now and again. Now looking forward to the first leap 😵‍💫 I’ve reduced dairy and thi k she is doing much better but I don’t think she is allergic or anything that drastic.Hoe are things with you?

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to Bozo_the_pumpkin

We are doing fine, my twins are almost 10months and they started to say "mama", "Dada" ...crowlinng around the house and already making silly things, like eating soil from the flower pot 😃😂 distroing the carpet etc, etc...but is definitely so much fun 😂. Motherhood is not easy but I love it and wouldn't change it for the world 😊😄.Take care of yourself and the little one 😘

Seb9 profile image

If you're concerned medically about baby being in pain, it's probably a good idea to contact your health visitor or GP to get them checked out up make sure there is nothing serious happening.I definitely found that reading about the 4th trimester and purple crying helped me to understand these early weeks first. My first daughter felt like she cried non stop at the beginning. We used to walk round with her every evening just rocking her and cluster feeding until she went to sleep.

In the end I would feed her to sleep and leave her downstairs with dad while I got some sleep, he'd bring her up when she woke up for her next feed and I would take over the night shift, he'd then get up early with her and take her downstairs till he went to work and I would get up. The more rest you can get the easier it is to cope with the crying.

We had a next to me crib at the bed and even that was too far away and we Co-slept which worked for us. She could just feed from me and I didn't have to get up.

I wouldn't recommend cutting anything from your diet unless a doctor advises it or your baby shows any more signs of having allergies or you could be cutting things out and giving yourself extra things to worry about when you really need the less stress possible.

I never realised how much some babies could cry in the early days, but it did get better for us over time.

I found the wonder weeks app helped as it showed what weeks they were going through growth spurts and development phases and so you could sort of see when they'd be likely to cry more.

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to Seb9

Thank you so much Seb for pointing me towards reading purple crying and the 4th trimester. Super helpful! We’ve done some Co-sleeping but I am a bit worried about accidents happening so I try to minimise it. My partner does the evening and early morning shift as well and I generally stay in a feeding chair during the night with her. It seems to be working out ok for now. I have the wonder weeks app but her first leap will only start in 4 days so what we have been experiencing was I assume another change she was going through.

I hope all is well with you?

Chiefy profile image

Hi Bozo, oh those first few weeks can be tough. At 2 weeks you should be in between your midwife and HV so definitely mention it to them and get their opinion.

It's heartbreaking hearing them cry and not know how to fix it. I know with my son the most ear piercing heart breaking cry was always wind and would stop after the most massive burp. He also gets very upset every time he has a dirty nappy.

Just keep working through the list - is she hungry, is she tired, does she need a nappy, is it wind, does she need a cuddle?

Sending love xx

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to Chiefy

Thank you Chiefy. I hope all is well with you. Yes I have now learnt (like you say)-just to go down the list and that will most likely be the reason for the crying. She does cry a lot just before having a loud fart😂 and normally the belly is quite hard and bloated. We learn so quickly and time flies by!

Chiefy profile image
Chiefy in reply to Bozo_the_pumpkin

It used to amaze me the burps coming out of my little one just after a screaming bout, they were like proper man burps!

Hope it's all easing for you and you are getting in to the swing of things x

Sunflower35 profile image

Complete newbie here with first baby on the way, but you made me think of something I have heard recently called “The Witching Hour”. A quick Google search will bring more info, here is one of those links in case you want to have a read:


Good luck and hope it gets better soon!

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to Sunflower35

Thank you Sunflower. It seems that we might be past the stage of crying at the witching hour now… or for now..? Good luck with your pregnancy. Xx

LizzieBW profile image

Hiya! I'm a FTM too and my little boy is nearly 6 months (don't know how/where the time has gone but anyway!). All I would say is it is really, really tough in those early months but really try to trust your instincts. Yes it's completely normal to worry until you feel more in tune wth your babe and you'll quickly get better and better at understanding what she wants and what type of cry means what etc, however if you really feel something could be wrong always question it. My little boy is fortunately just super placid and laid back so never cries unless he's way overtired or in pain (that's just his nature) so as soon as I learnt this I realised when something wasn't quite right. He has a bad allergy to dairy which was only diagnosed because I researched and questioned and questioned between my HV and my GP. Hopefully all is well with your wee babe and it's just normal witching hours for her but as I say don't feel hesitant to escalate your concerns asap if your instincts tell you so. Take care. Xx

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to LizzieBW

Tha is for your post, Lizzie. Yes I have realised that sometimes we have to persevere with questions and research-something learnt during the IVF journey I guess. Little one is doing much better but I am. It yet sure which of things we tried did the trick !

Yes, most of my baby group suffered a baby not going in the cot. We persevered and never really had an issue with our next to me cot. However we always have to put her in a sleep suit. And she will never go to sleep in her bassinet from the pram. In fact she doesn’t go to sleep on a walk in that or the car. We found the baby carrier (like sling) was the only thing that worked when she was inconsolable. If it’s colic and she’s crying at the same time everyday then use infacol. We meant to as we know she’s a windy baby but always forget. Don’t worry she’ll get through it. Speak to the midwife about how to safely co sleep if you’re going to.

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to Positivechangeplease

Thank you! I’ll try the sling once my c-section cut has healed. We’ll try sleep suits now to see if it makes a difference. Do you mean actual sleep suits or grow bags? We’ve been using Infacol for a while and things do seem better- but I’ve also reduced my dairy intake so will give colief a try. I think both colief and Infacol can be used simultaneously

Positivechangeplease profile image
Positivechangeplease in reply to Bozo_the_pumpkin

Now we at almost 12 weeks - and lots of things have changed (except the sleep suit- when I say that I mean the sleeping bags that are like swaddling but easier - and she still needs to be swaddled to get to sleep). The baby carrier no longer works but often making sure she’s had a big feed and then putting her in the pram can work. The best sleeping bags we found were from Purflow. They just seem the best quality. The thing with using anything was that we couldn’t work out if she was better with it or just because babies change so much. In the end she’s got a lot better getting her wind up or down and out and now she’s mainly crying because she’s over tired or hungry. Or both! Stimulation and fomo seem to be an issue 😂 she is still sleeping well at night though thank goodness!

Mopsu profile image

My daughter was the same she was constantly crying during the night she didn't want to sleep at all and alone...I understood she is not feeling well, it has to be scary for baby..new world and this pain...I always slept with her cobed for me was the best option and it could prevent SID I was reading...I cut out dairy products and switched to nutty one...and also cut out all vegetable what could make her gassy...like broccoli, cauliflower, beans , cabbage..all sweets and coffee...later on I gave her probiotics...I don't know how is your gut flora if you having problems with digestion and how was your birth...it could impact your milk as well...I didn't know..I was induced and gave antibiotics ..I should start getting probiotics but i didn't know maybe we would have less problems. With colic babies use to cry usually on afternoon or at night..if she is crying constantly day and night call gp.

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to Mopsu

Thank you very much. I’ve gotten so many ideas from these posts on what to do. SoE of them helped and baby is so much better now

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