Nausea/sickness : Just wondering how... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Just wondering how you ladies are coping with nausea/sickness lasting all day? It didnt hit me until week 7 but 5 weeks later everyday it's a struggle. I'm overlooking proper food & binging on junk food which I no is not healthy just because the smell of food is sickening to me. At first I could only eat bread based foods as they dont have a smell but I've now gone off that. Drs put me on cyclizine tablets which havent helped, just wondering if anyone has tried home remedies (ginger related & lemonade doesnt work) thanks in advance

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33 Replies
R_humphries20 profile image

Hi hope you well, I had morning sickness till I was 22 weeks pregnant, I couldn't keep anything down including water... ginger biscuits that helped alot... but some people have morning sickness all the way through.

in reply to R_humphries20

Hiya thank you for your reply 🙂

I'm really hoping it eases off soon 🤞 its knocking me for six most days

HollyT7 profile image

I'm nearly 36 weeks and it's been going on from 6 weeks, so sometimes better than others, haven't thrown up since about 20 weeks which is a bonus. doesnt matter if I eat little and often or what I eat the feeling lingers everytime I eat! Hope you find a remedy!! xxc

in reply to HollyT7

Oh no I'm so sorry to hear. Can I ask if you know what you're having? Only because I've heard that sickness is worse in girls (perhaps a myth as I didnt have hardly any sickness with my daughter)

So glad things got slightly better over time.

Thank you xx

HollyT7 profile image
HollyT7 in reply to

I have no idea what we're having, our little ivf surprise ❤️😊 xxx

in reply to HollyT7

That is beautiful news, a massive CONGRATULATIONS 🥰 xx

ThatgirlRiv profile image
ThatgirlRiv in reply to

I was exactly the same! Vomiting until labor! And I did have a girl

in reply to ThatgirlRiv

Oh no sorry to hear that it continued for so long. I have an odd day of feeling normal but then I panic that something is wrong, it then comes back with a vengeance x

Kemilicious profile image

Congratulations. Yes ginger and lemonade does work.

in reply to Kemilicious

Thank you. Lemonade at first & I noticed a difference however its worn off now. I've tried ginger biscuits so not ginger tea or anything like that but it didnt make a difference :(

Samcz profile image

Hello I found eating a little and often helped as having an empty tummy made it worse. Don't worry about eating healthily for now. I only ate plain things I could tolerate for weeks like Cheerios, crackers with Marmite, jacket potato, mashed potatoes, baked beans, ground rice, milk, Lucozade. I could hardly drink any water. I didn't find ginger helpful. If you can keep hardly anything down tell your GP as they should try other antisickness medication and maybe get you to hospital for a drip. I hope you feel better soon.

in reply to Samcz

Thank you, I think what my problem is, is that I talk myself out of eating better as I tell myself I'm going to be sick rather than just trying to eat something decent. I'll defo ask the dr for something else to try x

Samcz profile image
Samcz in reply to

I would definitely recommend eating little and often something plain even if you feel sick as it can settle your tummy. Good luck with the Dr. If they are not helpful try a different Dr! X

in reply to Samcz

Thank you x

Melanie2105 profile image


I was sick until labor and I tried everuthing even those bracelet that claim to help you with thr nausea but nothing work but when I had very strong nausea I would chew a peppermint gum and drink very cold sparkly water or I would scratch a lime and smell it... it did help. Good luck!! Xxx

in reply to Melanie2105

Thank you,

Sorry to hear you has sickness until the end, I did think about trying those brackets but read mixed reviews so it put me off. The lime sounds like a good idea so may try that x

JTMS profile image

Hi lovely, I'm 14 +4 today around weeks 6 until 10 it was so bad I had to have only bread etc, it finally went and then the last week exactly the same accept instead of feeling sick I just suddenly know I'm going to be sick if that makes sense. Either I can deal with it a lot better or Its not as bad i cant decide. I'm currently living off crisps at the minute.

I'm on the peppermint tea that's helping as I found dairy increases the sickness.

This is my first I've no idea what I'm doing it I'm winging the whole thing. Not sure what I am having yet neither!

Its horrible because people who dont have it dont know how bad it is, I just try and eat fresh fruit in a morning and at least 1 vegetable a day! I'm trying to stick to mince and chicken too, I've noticed any rich meat like pork or beef upsets me! It's really hard, try the wrist bands from boots?? I had those for a while and they helped with the feeling sick!!!

Good luck doll xxxxx

in reply to JTMS

Congratulations 🥰

I went through a period of eating loads of fruit just for the sweetness, i then noticed I had an odd day of feeling so much better but then i would start to panic that something was wrong. Spoke to a dr who said it could be a change to what I was eating that made the baby think I had enough of feeling rough (not sure how true, think he was trying to calm me down) but anyway the fruit stopped working eventually. I crave eating a proper meal like a roast or something but just trying to peel potatoes makes me heave 🤦🏼‍♀️

I guess we can't win... I was desperate for morning sickness to kick in as at first I didn't feel pregnant so wanted something to feel real. As I'm coming to the end of my 1st trimester I'm hoping it eases soon. I hope you're feeling better as the days go on too & also good luck to you too xx

Cassielouis profile image

Eat whatever you can, whenever you can. If it’s chocolate for breakfast or curry an hour later anything is better than nothing. You’ll feel sick if you go too long with out eating. Try and remind yourself to eat in between meals. I really struggled with that. If I wasn’t hungry I wouldn’t eat... but it’s about constantly having something on your stomach. When I really couldn’t manage food a mouthful of milk seemed to help my churning hungry belly. I puked everyday from day 1 until about 13 weeks and it then just stopped. Like someone and switched it off! Good luck x

in reply to Cassielouis

Thank you, honestly that makes me feel so much better 🙂 I think I need to do the little & often because if I feel nauseous I just wont eat or I'll have some crisp just to have something in me rather than trying a proper meal but eating small amounts even if it takes me an hour.

I'm so glad you're feeling better now & congratulations xx

Cassielouis profile image
Cassielouis in reply to

I remember cooking food because I suddenly felt hungry and able to eat something. Once I could smell it cooking it knocked me sick again. 😂 Id eat a sandwich by taking a bite then running away from it. Crazy times! 🤣 It’ll pass soon enough and you’ll have the feeling of being too full to look forward to. Hahaha x

in reply to Cassielouis

I'm looking forward to feeling full again 😄 & having a cuppa as I used to be an avid tea drinker but have completely gone off it now which I miss.

I decided to make a cheese & tomato roll just to try to get something in me, it took a while & some talking myself into but I got there in the end & surprisingly have some energy even if its only a little. I'm wondering if sometimes its mind over matter? Xx

Cassielouis profile image
Cassielouis in reply to

Defo! If you’ve spent all day feeling sick the last thing you want to do is make yourself feel sick by trying to eat. You’ll be celebrating with a cuppa in no time! X

ramdcg profile image

I started eating ice, when I was feeling like this. But having cold things on my mouth really helped me with the nausea. Hope you feel better!

in reply to ramdcg

Thank you, that's a good idea. I tried a fruit ice lolly last week - bad choice xx

Farmcat profile image


I'm 35 weeks and although my sickness eased at 23 weeks I am still suffering now . I find plain cold food helps, but after trying every old wives tale going the smell of ginger now makes me feel sick and they didn't work.

I tried a few sickness tablets before I found one that worked, although I did still feel a bit sick, metoclopramide worked for me. I would go back to your gp and ask for an alternative . Lucozade sports drinks or rehydration sachets are good and were recommended by my midwife.

in reply to Farmcat

Thank you, I didn't think lucozade sport drinks we're allowed but I'll defo ask midwife also about the rehydration sachets. I've been eating little & often even when I don't feel like it but I'm noticing a difference, even if it takes ages to eat something so small x

Farmcat profile image
Farmcat in reply to

I didn't find eating helped either. It's the icotonic sports one, it doesn't have any caffiene or touraine in it. The rehydration sachets you can pick up from the pharmacy. They helped to replace the salt and sugars, if you're dehydrated you'll feel more sick . It depends how often you're being sick. I was physically sick from 4am till about 3pm everyday but I had the nausea constantly. The sickness tablets stopped me being sick but I still felt sick most of the time.

It will get better. X

in reply to Farmcat

I find the nausea last all day however the sickness comes mid morning/early afternoon then once I've been sick the nausea comes back again lasting allllll day. I dread bedtime as I feel like as soon as I lie down I'm going to be sick. The only way I can describe it is there is a valve inbetween my breasts thats closed but food is still sitting there as in it hasn't gone down (if that makes sense?) so I feel as soon as I lie down its going to come up.. I feel so silly 🥺

Thank you for your help I'll pop into the chemist for some sachets xx

Mwilliams2 profile image

I had bad morning sickness from 4 weeks- now am 21 weeks pregnant and still feel sick often but my diet has now improved. I found that the best foods were chicken noodle soup and salted crackers and toast with the occasional jacket potato. I also found that low calorie ginger ale helped- ginger biscuits were too sweet- and things that were too hot didn't help. Listen to your body and eat little and often.... even had a snack at 1am as I felt sick!

in reply to Mwilliams2

Thank you x

Annh17 profile image

I suffered with nausea, I tried everything and none of it worked. I found that really cold apple juice helped and also polos/soft mints. x

Thank you, I'll try the mints. I drank gallons of apple juice at first to quench my thirst but suddenly went of it x

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