Has anyone got any positive stories o... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Has anyone got any positive stories of first few weeks/months of motherhood?

22 Replies


I am 14 weeks pregnant, first ever pregnancy and hearing so many stories of the hell of the first few weeks/months of having a new baby. Either in the media - Paloma Faith saying motherhood was hell or on this forum....

After struggling to conceive and feeling blessed to even get this far - I need some positive stories to make me think that I can actually manage to get through this if all goes well for the rest of my pregnancy....and we have a healthy baby at the end of it.

Maybe there are some books people would recommend that helped them with tips on how to cope first time round?


22 Replies
Kt19 profile image

Hi congratulations hunni ,

It is hard work having a little human to look after and it is very stressful but just looking at there sweet beautiful faces makes it all worth it 😍

Me and my partner are now on our 3rd pregnancy we’ve two girls already so this time weve come up with a safe word to avoid arguments because of exhaustion this word can be used any time to just ask for help without asking if you get me. Just be aware everyone is different some find it harder then others but your partner friends ,health professionals are there to help and advice with out judging. You’ll get in to your own routine in time and it’s all worth it .don’t be hard on yourself or your partner and you’ll soon love motherhood when baby arrives. Just don’t forget yourself too x

in reply to Kt19

Ah thanks for your message - I know it will be hard, it is just nice to hear the positives too as I feel like the focus sometimes is on negatives sometimes.

I never thought we could actually conceive and we definitely did not look at the positive pregnancy test and jump for joy like in the movies! We have been very cautious and scared to believe even now after 14 weeks! :)

Thanks for your advice - I will try to keep some time to myself if at all possible, and ask for help as much as possible.


Kattalex profile image

Hey don’t let per pressure spoil your experience... I also panicked but all was good! All 3 times... even with episiotomies and pains after labour! Yes there will be pain after labour... and blood ... and sleeplessness... but after all you have been through with IVF, all of that is a walk in the park...

Take one step at the time! One day at the time! One moment at the time...

Here is you want to talk more 😉

in reply to Kattalex

Yes I know - one step at a time is the best way - next step 20 week scan :)

IVF was tough - and failed. But this is a natural miracle pregnancy! Which we were not expecting - so hence why we are nervous I think :)

Just as long as I know it is all worth it!

Fingers crossed for a healthy little one and a sane mother ;)


Kattalex profile image
Kattalex in reply to

It’s so ALL worth it! Even the pain, blood, sleepless nights, etc ... All worth it! As AllWeNeedIsLuv said... we do what we need to do for our kids! Somehow, things work out ... somehow you find superheroes man strength... 🤗🤗🤗

in reply to Kattalex

haha well - I am looking forward to this strength! :)


Kattalex profile image
Kattalex in reply to

It will come... and we are all here to help 😘

in reply to Kattalex

I just looked at your profile! What an amazing journey you have been through - respect to you! Such a brave woman.

You are due this month? Xxx

Kattalex profile image
Kattalex in reply to

She was born on the 31st July 🤗🤗🤗

in reply to Kattalex

Ah congratulations 💛💕💜🧡💛

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Awwww bless ya, I remember it very well I had no books no support just me and hubby who worked most of time. I had an emergency c section, we just moved hubby sorted everything out so that I lived upstairs bed sofa telly was upstairs. I remember being the only woman on the Ward not sleeping due to my daughter constantly feeding then when she did go down to sleep the midwife woke her and latched her back on again. It is tiring I solely breast fed for 8 weeks she slept in my arms and I slept when she did it was hard as you can imagine. After 8 weeks she started screaming at the breast so I realised she wanted more I gave her an once of formula and she was out like a light after that that's when I started mixed feeding. Suited us fine. Them first few weeks are hard if you've got support it would really help but if you haven't if I can do it anyone can. I'm known as a, sleeper battled fatigue all my life and everyone that knows me was/is super shocked to know iv survived motherhood but it's not shocking at all you do what you have to for your kids. I did end up in hospital with exhaustion but I was back on my feet in no time and remember it was only me with no support after a c section. I'm sharing this with you, because I look at my girl now she's 4 and I'm really really proud of, her, she's extremly well behaved and mature and I'm very blessed to have such a good girl. What I'm saying is don't worry find what works for you and, baby and go with it. Don't worry about unnecessary things. Oh yeah cook some good, healthy meals before hand to freeze that you've got to eat when your home them first couple of weeks. I was lucky in the way that hubbys sister would send food every day. But this time I'll definitely be cooking ahead.

I'm worried about the first few weeks but they'll fly by and I can honestly say I'm really proud of myself and my daughter. Good, luck with rest of your pregnancy hun


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

wow you have been through so much - well done for coping and even going again! haha it must be worth it if it did not put you off :) So good your little daughter has turned out so well - you can be very proud of yourself.

Good tip about cooking the meals - I am actually buying a new freezer and my mum is over at xmas so we will batch cook a few meals in advance to prepare. I will be a frozen food junkie :)

Best of Luck with the rest of your pregnancy and thanks for taking the time to respond.


AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Most definitely worth it hun. All the heartache iv gone through to get where we are today. Still not quite there but a lot closer. I'm counting my blessings and looking forward to it more than anything. Being a mum is the best thing in the world. She's by my side constantly and when she isn't I feel lost. I love it and you will too 😘💝💝

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv


Kattalex profile image
Kattalex in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Well said👍 somehow things have fallen into place 🤗

Babies are the best, sleepless bahh who sleeps anyway. I loved my kids being babies by 6w breastfeeding I was worn out but bottles were spot on. It’s now they have my life and drive me insane 😂

in reply to

ah haha well good to hear the positive stories! My mother never told me any horror stories at all! She just got one with it somehow!



in reply to

You’ll do great

I think you’ll appreciate it more when you’ve been through it ttc for so long you’ll love it.

in reply to

Yes we are not taking anything for granted and thankful every day that we have been able to conceive.


sweetilemon profile image

It sounds like you have realistic expectations and with those you will be able to enjoy the experience. I write this with my son feeding after being up all night but it's still worth it. Every milestone he hits, every cute smile. Hormones rage and make you cry for no reason, breastfeeding is a tough beginning as you learn a new skill under immense pressure for them to gain weight. 100% worth it. The love you feel is overwhelming. I won't go into my story as you'll think I'm trying to put you off but having a baby is such a miracle. My top tip is limit visitors at first and focus on your new family. I did that with my second and it was a lot more relaxing xxa

I don’t want to sound like I’m showing off but we have an absolute dream baby. I can’t quite believe it myself. It would of been nice if I had heard some positive stories too as everyone used to just go on about how hard it is and tiring which it can be but not as bad as people made out.

She hardly cries and if she does it’s because she’s really tired or hungry. The first couple of weeks I was knackered but I think that was a combination of c section recovery and also low iron. Of course she did wake us every couple of hours for a feed by me and hubby took turns and also didn’t worry about housework etc and literally ate oven meals all the time so we didn’t have to worry about making dinner.

Every baby is different but for us it’s just been so easy. We’ll probably suffer with the terrible twos 😂.

I think the key is to be as relaxed as you can be and don’t stress about little things too much. I’ve never really been that relaxed but for some reason as soon as Florence arrived I became the most laid back person ever and they pick up on that I think xx

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