What have you found the most helpful t... - My Cancer Community

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What have you found the most helpful to get you through cancer treatment?

Sophieb profile imageSophieb12 Voters

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4 Replies
Rosebud51 profile image

Without doubt, what has got me through this time, has been the fantastic support and help received at the Penny Brohn Cancer Centre (Bristol). Being in the calm, loving atmosphere has a very healing effect and gives you the strength to keep going. Meeting others in a similar situation really helped, we were able to share hints and tips on all sorts of cancer treatments, we also shared a lot of laughs. I have made some wonderful friends there. Thanks to all at Penny Brohn - you have given me the courage and strength to carry on.

sallygreenwood profile image

Penny Brohn , brafternoon and cancer hair care in Stevenage have been amazing ..really helped me come to terms with things

LindaB profile image

Changed my diet and lifestyle thanks to Penny Brohn. I cant thank them enough. and the mindfulness course I attended for 8 weeks was very beneficial

Sophieb profile image

thanks for your lovely comments! from all of us here at Penny Brohn!
