Who has been helpful to you on your ca... - My Cancer Community

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Who has been helpful to you on your cancer journey? How have the people in your life helped? Tell us more.

Sophieb profile imageSophieb22 Voters

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12 Replies
Eleni profile image

The surprise support was someone who I had not considered a friend previously, but was suddenly there. She brought flowers, came and chatted about knitting just sat if I was feeling too bloody. She and her husband are close friends as a result - but she came from a place of 'acquaintance' before my diagnosis.

PlayfullGenie profile image
PlayfullGenie in reply to Eleni

Eleni, I hear you!

jeanjames profile image

I had good support from local people - they would ask after me - which in turn made my family feel supported.

I also felt very supported connecting with people via this web-site

It' was comforting to know I could talk openlyy about my fears and concerns with others in a similar situation. It made me feel less isolared.

Thank you

annagoanna profile image

I have previously referred to cancer as a 'friend filter'. If you'd asked me before diagnosis to list the friends who'd be there, it'd be a very different list to the friends who actually were there for me!

My surprise element - was my colleagues. I worked for an IT company with a bunch of 'geeks' who rarely looked up from the computer screen. Whilst in hospital they wrote an algorithm to decide who was going to 'support' me each day. Every day I got a text asking if I needed anything or wanted company at lunchtime. At lunch one or more people turned up, bearing lunch or milk or butter etc. They carried logs into the house for the fire, helped with other jobs every day and were brilliant.

mountainman profile image
mountainman in reply to annagoanna

Oh, how I can relate to your experience Annagoanna. Isn't it interesting how friends and colleagues at work can sometime relate so differently to a cancer situation than friends at home. I work amongst ex Military guys and their black humour really kept me going. Ok the wordless hand on the shoulder meant so much but also the request to 'leave us the shiny pen mate!' was also their way of saying "hey, we are with you.". Neighbours at home can not understand this and indeed the fact that I am still here confuses them as all the 'others' went quickly!

sallygreenwood profile image

Have found a lot of charities such as hair care in Stevenage and Penny Brohn which have made the most amazing difference

PlayfullGenie profile image

Most of the people I thought would be there for me, weren't ... instead, I developed incredibly strong friendships with 'new' (to me) people from my art training, completed just a few weeks before diagnosis. The Haven (breast cancer charity) was also an amazing source of help, whom I'd never heard of before my diagnosis.

susierainbow profile image

I had started a counselling course and the friends I have made on this course have

been the greatest support....plus my tutor of course.......thanks to all of you who

have made such a difference in my cancer journey.


susierainbow profile image

Penny Brohn gave me hope that I could survive without treatment.....that was

two years ago.......thank you xxx


Ruci profile image

a book i found in the doctors surgery just after my diagnosis about an alternative cancer cure, it's called 'The Breuss Cancer Cure' and consists of diet juicing.

mountainman profile image

The surprise assistance came from my tumor itself. Day three of the journey that started with the Macmillan Nurse telling me I had a locally advanced Adenacarcinoma of the Prostate, I booked a session with a 'Brandon Bays' Journey Practitioner. During this session, I was able to allow my sub conscious, first to travel down into my body and speak to the cancer itself then on to identify the point in my life that the cancer had started. This was all a wee bit 'out of the box' so to speak but I was very comfortable with is all.

The tumour was able to communicate that " I cannot take you. I am here to teach and guide and change your direction. I have a purpose and a reason. The purpose is to strengthen acceptance of the wholeness of existence and all the strands. The reason is to draw together all of the strands into a very strong rope.".

From that point on, I knew I would get well. I also came to the realisation that little me, I, had to take 'Ownership' and indeed 'Responsibility' of my own body, my own life and indeed my own destiny. To the best of my ability, I did that and am able to sit here writing to you about my little surprise on the journey.

Penny2 profile image

I have found the Penny Brohn ethos invaluable. Angels at your centre changed my life, and my attitude to it. You all taught me how to self manage, how to meditate, find solace and in turn I have been able to move on with my life and embrace every aspect of it.

I have continued to fight for the same quality of service down in my local area, and excited to report a wonderful new centre has now been opened up, very much on the same lines as the Penny Brohn, with the same beautiful ambiance. I can only hope more centres will open now in all areas, more people will recognise the benefits of complimentary and alternative therapies and be able to find peace when dealing with the aftermath of Cancer.

So Grateful,
