What phrase best describes you experie... - My Cancer Community

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What phrase best describes you experience with exercise?

PennyBrohnComms profile imagePennyBrohnComms11 Voters
I try to stay as active as possible but don’t always have the time
I am very active in my life but don’t do ‘proper’ exercise
I love to exercise and it’s a major part of my life
I like to keep fit and exercise up to 3 times a week
5 Replies
peteodell profile image

i will be true to the best of my knowledge and experience.will be in the spirit of the site,share and support.

PennyBrohnCancerCare profile image
PennyBrohnCancerCare in reply to peteodell

Hello Peteodell and welcome to Community@PennyBrohn, we really appreciate the sentiment. Thank you for taking the time to take part in the poll. Best Wishes Helpline @ Penny Brohn. Do let us know if you have any tips for exercising regularly.

Achillea profile image

I would like to contribute two of my own phrases about exercise:

Just stepping outside turns me around to positive thinking.

A gentle walk is all I need to feel the warmth of better humour.

Hi Achillea and welcome to Community@PennyBrohn. Thank you for sharing your encouraging phrases, I think a lot of people can relate to that especially if the sun is shining as it is today outside our national centre in Bristol. If you would like to see more ideas on exercise try macmillan.org.uk/Cancerinfo... Best Wishes Helpline @ Penny Brohn

Sammicat15 profile image

None of these choices apply to me!