Have you ever kept a migraine diary? - National Migraine...
Have you ever kept a migraine diary?
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But after 20 years. No closer to any resolution.
I have kept a daily migraine diary for six years. Record keeping gives me some comfort, however small, it is also very useful when visiting GP's / specialists. Like you merrill, I'm nowhere near finding a solution to my problem.
I've kept a simple diary for 10 years - any day I have a headache or migraine I mark as H or M and give a number for severity. I also mark down if I take medication: T for triptan N for NSAID. That helps me be aware if I'm possibly heading towards MOH. Whenever I try a new preventative treatment I mark that down too so I can compare 3 months previous migraines with that of the new treatment. Initially my diary showed me I was getting hormonal migraine. Over the years I've seen how the frequency of migraine increased as I reached and went through the menopause. I'm still waiting patiently for the number of migraines I get to drop. I was hoping to work out some kind of pattern from keeping the diary but all I can say now is there is no pattern except I stay pretty constant at 7 or 8 migraines a month. I thought possibly my GP or neurologist might be interested in seeing the diary - but no, they weren't....
a diary sounds a good idea. i get migraines, used to be every 6-8months, but had 3 in the last 3weeks. the usual pins and needles in left arm,hand and lip.sometimes tongue. have written a topic if more info neededif it helps anyone. my dr told me people think they are having a stroke,but tis just migraine!alot of of help. i have tried various things, although lights hurt my eyes, but had eyes tested and showed nothing.maybe i should get another.
will try the diary idea

We have some good templates to download and use here: nationalmigrainecentre.org....
no its not that helpful. once you get your triggers and medicine its sorted