How interested are you in developments in m... - Meningitis Now
How interested are you in developments in meningitis research?
Please select one:
Lost my grandson age 7 to Men b in December 2013 so this is very important to me and my family
Had Men and Sep when I was 65 and am still suffering at nearly 68. Have lots of side effects. Thats why im
have had two Bout's of this dreadful disease over a period of 15 years. Yes, you bet i am interested.
I contracted Viral Meningitis in 2011 and I still suffer the effects. My condition also had a big impact on my wife and two very young children.
This research is important to me
had bacterial meningitis in 2012, still having after effects, the research is very important.
Lost my baby boy at 12 months in March very important to me

Thank you for all your responses, keep them coming!
To find out more about the research projects we are currently funding have a look at our website here:
Very interested by baby son suffered meningococcal septicaemia at 16 months old and still haven side affects 8 months later
I had TBM when young (21) and a relapse again (23).took management for 18 months twice .now fine but with a lot of side effects .hearing disability, lack of mathematical logic ,reasoning abilities.
Very interested as 10monthe post viral meningitis and still suffering severe after effects. Still not accessing normal living activities.