What has helped your recovery from meningit... - Meningitis Now
What has helped your recovery from meningitis the most? (tick all that apply)
Faith and prayers.
Best thing I can suggest is find a good cranial osteopath...I wouldn't be able to do what I do without the brilliant Stuart Korth in Tunbridge Wells or the fantastic support from Meningitis Now...
Thank you for posting this suggestion. I will try cranial osteopathy as nothing seems to be really working for me. Have a happy Christmas and I'm very pleased you're feeling a bit better.
For me, it was personal determination to advance. The year was 1977 and women were just beginning to achieve career advancement & professional recognition. I hid...never mentioned any of my medical problems (aftereffects) because I was afraid they would become excuses for male (always back then) decision-makers to hold me back professionally.
Help from a private Neuro physiotherapist (nothing available on nhs following discharge ) who was very knowledgeable about my condition & the "wiring"of the brain. He was also a very good listener & invaluable in getting me back on my feet & functioning again
I have been using high-flow oxygen. It doesn't relieve the incessant, disabling pain in my head, but I feel it may be helping the healing process.
Stiff upper British lip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was nothing else.
Taking 10 - 20mg Amitriptyline helped relieve the headache and stiff neck allowing me to get up and about more.