Wellness Wednesday - Guided Meditation - Melanoma Wellness...

Melanoma Wellness Canada

Wellness Wednesday - Guided Meditation

lyanne_sys profile image
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By now you have probably heard of the amazing benefits of meditation: calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, relieves body tension, supports breathing, improves sleep and the list goes on. The benefits make meditation an important addition to your list of self-support strategies; however, including meditation in your wellness routine is not without challenges. When the mind and body are racing, anxious or overwhelmed the thought of “sitting quietly without thinking” seems unimaginable maybe even seems like it would make you feel worse to be left alone with your thoughts. You are not alone in feeling this way. Meditation is a practice, like going to the gym to get physically strong, it takes time, it needs to be done regularly and you have to continue practicing to maintain the benefits. So, how to get started or maintain your practice when you are feeling too overwhelmed to slow your mind; Guided Meditation.

Guided meditation is this week’s self-support strategy. Guided meditations are an amazing resource. Think of having your own meditation guide working with you in your home. Listening is something we may feel we have more control over than our minds. Directing your attention through listening will likely feel more manageable than taming your racing mind alone.

There are many Guided Meditations online, different voices, different focuses, different lengths of time. With any self-support strategy finding one that suits you will increase the likelihood of continued use. Here are a couple examples, you will need to copy and paste the links to your browser:

Heal Your Body: Spoken Guided Meditation for Pain & Sickness: Jason Stephenson YouTube - youtu.be/_jD3VxSGM-k

A guided meditation to relieve anxiety and overwhelm: Michelle Chalfant YouTube - youtu.be/fssAbgBMhUA

Give Yourself Permission to Let Go: A Guided Meditation Practice: Mindful Movement YouTube - youtu.be/u0jFKzAW-Ww

For more self support strategies please visit our growing collection on our website

Emotional and Mental Wellness Resources - saveyourskin.ca/emotional-a...

If you have a guided meditation you are using or would recommend, we would love to hear from you.

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