I have a new ongolagis and I feel he does not take my melanoma seriously. He said to me one time it's only melanoma. I have had 2 surgeries already and now there is a spot on my bowl. It's been there since 2016 but I was not told about it untill it started to grow. I just had a pet scan. And am waiting for the results which they say could take 4 weeks. I could have gone to another hospital and brought the disk back , but he said he couldn't read it. I really want another oncologist.
Very fustrated: I have a new ongolagis... - Melanoma Wellness...
Very fustrated

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2 Replies

That is very frustrating. It would be nice to leave the doctors office feeling supported and less stressed, not more stressed. Sending some positive energy and heart resonance your way.

YGerardSYSF Ambassador
Hi there Nigel. It will be worth your while and time to get another oncologist. Moving forward on your health journey, you need a team of doctors behind you that support you. Trust your instincts. Best of luck and we are all behind you at SaveYourSkin.