What is the main reason you are visiting this... - Making Space

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What is the main reason you are visiting this online community?

84 Voters
I have a family member with dementia
I am a carer of someone with dementia
Other (please comment)
I am concerned I may have dementia
I have dementia already
17 Replies
Becks31 profile image

I have joined as I have just lost my mother to dementia. I's been a very sad few years

in reply to Becks31

Welcome Becks31. Thanks for joining us here. I am sorry to hear about your mother.

romanylass profile image
romanylass in reply to Becks31

I know how you feel, my Father died last year having lived with dementia for five years,unfortunately for me my husband has had a stroke and been diagnosed with it and I dont feel I can cope all over again. What I cant understand is why it happenned to my Dad in the first place, however he is at peace now. God Bless you.

notorious profile image
notorious in reply to Becks31

so sorry for your loss.how old was your mum and how long did she have dementia, hope you don't mind me asking

virgo-94 profile image
virgo-94 in reply to Becks31

sorry xx

roxy2009 profile image
roxy2009 in reply to Becks31

my mum is still alive with dementia age 82 what a terrible illness this is i know you carnt compare notes because everyone is different but maybe you could tell me how you coped im finding it very difficult sorry for your loss but i bet you feel relieved now that your mum is at piece .

onhereagain profile image

I have an interest in disability issues and I like to know as much as I can

notorious profile image

I work in the care sector and deal with a lot of people with dementia......they are so open to abuse.....not just from carers, but family as well. I hope to specialize in dementia care once I have gained certain qualifications, so I have joined this site to try and give me a deeper understanding into the condition, and perhaps share experiences and tips

jackback profile image

I joined this site as my husband has severe problems with his memory .... he wears an Exelon patch. What I am confused about is yes, he does have problems, and we do have yearly visits by a memory nurse to assess him. But does he have Alzheimers? No one has actually said this. He is only 68 and has had problems now for five years. I do not know of anyone else of this age who suffers with the same thing. I know if I was not here he would not cope on a day to day basis and this worries me.

notorious profile image
notorious in reply to jackback

it does sound like your hubby has early stage dementia....you need to ask the people treating him for more info......why are you treating him, and what for?.....you also need to be putting a care plan in place....I know this sounds callous, but you will be needing some respite care or just some "me time", The situation will only get worse, but ask questions and get all the support you can....hope I have helped a little bit xx

pinkynissan profile image

I have lost both of my parents to dementia, they both developed it nearly at the same time.

Higgi profile image

I have joined as my husband was diagnosed with cerebral vascular disease 2 years ago. I find I feel very isolated and am hoping to gain more insight and tips on how to cope as a carer. I am 15 years younger and therein lies another problem.

Nasporran profile image

I joined this forum on the recommendation of a lady I met at a dementia awareness course. Apart from the resources the main benefit of the course was taking to others who are looking after relatives with dementia and sharing experiences and tips for coping or dealing with the problems we face. My partner has fairly mild vascular dementia compared to some of the stories I have heard, but she can catch me off guard with how confused she can get.

125bus profile image


I have only just started with early stages of dementia.

now I can see how it came on very slowly at first.

pleased I have got treatment for it in the form of patches daily.

just to try and carry on a normal as can be.

enjoy life to the full and take each day as it comes

some time I have off days like any one else.

hope this has been some good to some one

lell1 profile image

Am pleased that the patches are working for you! Unfortunately, my dad can't take any form of the medication and I'm watching him slide away from me at a startling pace! I hope that they find other ways of minimising the progression and effects of this disease PDQ!

Davebe profile image

I have had 3BI's since 1985, 2013, and one sometime this year. I've been to hospital for an appointment with a cardiologist to be told that my appointment was yesterday. I have a neuropathy and am getting things mixed up all the time. I am hoping to get some information even though I don't expect medically perfect. I haven't yet been diagnosed.

MsGelfling1 profile image

My sister is slipping into alcohol-induced dementia. She's 59.