I think I have lung cancer: Hi all, in... - Global Lung Cance...

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I think I have lung cancer

Benji123 profile image
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Hi all, in sorry if I offend anyone with my post. I'm really worried I have lung cancer, basically I've had this cough for around 2/3 years and the constant feeling of phlegm stuck at the back of my throat which I have to hack up to get out, but then comes back straight away. The last few months I have lost around 9 pound in weight. I have been working extra long hours and not able to eat as much as I normally do but I can't see how losing that much weight would be possible. I have also started getting chest pains, pains in my arms. I always feel tired, but when I'm working I don't feel as tired, only when I start driving or sit down etc. I also get a weird sharp pain in my chest when I breath in, which I've had for the same amount of time I've had my cough. But it's not that often I get that pain. I went to the doctors a few months ago and was told I wouldn't have it and there is nothing to worry about. But I've gone into panic mode since I've lost the weight. Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice. Thank you for reading this.

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Tcarter113 profile image

I have had bronchitis and the flu since 22 Feb I’m sure flu has probably cleared up as I don’t have any fever now. But can’t get rid of this bronchitis and relentless cough that sound like I’m coughing up one or both lungs. I have seen a pulmonologist last week and I did fine on my pulmonary function test but my pulse ox when the nurse tested it was 88. I have been keeping up with my pulse ox since I got sick. My o2 has been running 89-91. I also have a place on my left lower lobe that everyone thinks it’s benign and fungal. It’s been there since last year and has gone from a 3mm to a 5 mm in a yrs time. My Dr is talking about doing a lung wash if I’m not better next week. In the mean time I’m struggling for air. Any suggestions or thoughts