Good Morning Mommys.. looking for some advice or someone thats maybe experienced the same. My son is 4 months old now was diagnosed with GERD at 3 weeks old. Currently now on neogate milk as they think he has an allergy to protein we have been on it nearly 8 weeks and havent seen an improvement at all, and the vomitting and spitting up constanly after every feed started again when he got put onto this milk, we use a thickner carobel had to stop gaviscon for it. My son was currwntly on apatmil reflux milk with gaviscon that stopped him vomitting he was doinf brilliant on it until made me change him onto this neogate amino acid milk... now they seem to think he hasnt got an ALLERY because the unsettledness, constant screaming all day long, so uncomfortable, irritablity and vomittinf still same as was on reflux milk, but he wasnt sick and seemed happy during feeding as now he screams placs down during feeds.. they thought was caused by an allery but now there sayong not and hes reflux must be really bad.. anyone else been throufh this ? Dietrician telling me to do what i thinks best, but dont want change him back if he had got an allergy waiting see consultance again weds as they want to start weaning him as they said be better for hes acid.. xx