Dr. Eduardo Patrick Beltran Monasterio - 25th Oct 2019
Dr. Eduardo Beltran was originally born in Tripoli, Libya in 1978, later he immigrated to the United States and attended Dublin Scioto High School. After graduation he was accepted at Del Valle University (School of Medicine) in Cochabamba Bolivia. Here he graduated with honors in 2006. He then went of to persue his specialty in Internal Medicine and Dermatology at Gama Filho University in Brazil.
Through out the years Dr. Eduardo Beltran has developed a significant intrest in treating specific autoimmune diseases such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Lupus and skin cancer. He has helped thousands of patients achieve a better state of health and quality of life through Integrative Medicine in Brazil.
Dr. Beltran is also an author and a clinical researcher, having treated many patients with psoriasis using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). He has published his Clinical Research on ''The Cureus Journal of Medical Science'', showing promising results with LDN.
Vimeo Video vimeo.com/345548957
MixCloud Audio mixcloud.com/LDNRT/ed/
YouTube youtu.be/Fbleq8nSUcI
Dr. Eduardo Patrick Beltran Monasterio - 25th Oct 2019