How has the diabetes affected your career? - Diabetes Support

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How has the diabetes affected your career?

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CaffeineHelps profile image

My previous job would not allow for accommodations (i.e. adequate breaks to take my insulin, could not bring my lunchbox into the facility as 'no food or drink are allowed - no exceptions' - mind you, I was a guard at an automotive factory... and the engineers ate AT the machines, etc.)

It spiraled to the point that I went into full-blown Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and blacked out at my job. Was taken to the hospital, and wound up out of work during a quite prolonged recovery. Because of my failure to elect for short term disability or supplemental disability insurance, I was terminated due to this condition.

I have since obtained a new job that is more than accommodating, and my A1C (Which was 14 at the time of DKA) is now down to 7.2.

I am much healthier now... but trust me - some places will literally let you die before they provide accommodations a diabetic!

Spunky80 profile image

I wasn't working when diagnosed in Feb. 2023, but did work a summer seasonal job. Since ending that seasonal job I have not worked until recently. I started helping care for a friend's mother. Today I am taking over as the person in charge of everything as the person doing that just left. Lots of work to do, but I can do it somehow.