just been told i need a total hysterec... - Healthy Happy Woman

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just been told i need a total hysterecomy due to my large fibroids and uterus. Are there any other options? I have 4-5 weeks.

janesbitz profile image
3 Replies

hysterecomy fibroids

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3 Replies
StIvesmaid profile image

Sorry to hear your news Jane. I was told the same thing recently and had my surgery on 6 February. For me it was 8 weeks from seeing my GP with chest pain before Christmas to surgery. I had a double oophorectomy as well, you don’t mention your age, but I am 61 and past my menopause so that’is why my ovaries were removed as well. Like you I had a large uterus full of fibroids. The largest was 16x11 cm and this was causing me quite unpleasant gastric problems. I wasn’t offered any solution other than hysterectomy and I believe that was because of the size of my uterus/fibroids and the condition of the womb and what all of the extra bulk was doing to my other organs. However we are all different so please talk to your GP and consultant to see if other options are available. If you do have to have a hysterectomy -my experience so far has been good, all the uncomfortable bulk has gone from my pelvis and abdomen (my ovaries were up under my rib cage pre surgery!). I still tire easily but I know that will improve. My scar (I had bikini line) has healed very well, I had no post operative bleeding at all. I hope everything works out for you.

janesbitz profile image
janesbitz in reply to StIvesmaid

Thanl you so much for your reply.... I am 52 in April and don't have terrible problems. When i have a period it is quite awful, 2 days of flooding.... I Just feel that perhaps he is jumping the gun some what. I am going to take my last two scans to a private consultant who i saw back in Nov 2015 who has scan results that he did back then.

Apologies if i am repeating myself...

I just think that they haven't grown and what he felt was my uterus thick, ready for a period amd lushing everything outwards as when my oeriod finishes, everything goes down. Perhaps i am kifding myself..... Who knows, im9just so scared that it'll all go wrong..... i lost my Dad and it keeos playing on my mind ALL the time. x x x x x

StIvesmaid profile image
StIvesmaid in reply to janesbitz

So your situation is rather different to mine. I went to the doctor’s with chest pain in December, I had absolutely no idea I had any problems of a gynaecological nature. So I didn’t know if anything had grown and I know this sounds really daft but I had no idea when I had first noticed my lump. Have you had an MRI scan? The ultrasound I had first showed the large fibroid plus one other smaller one but the MRI gave a lot more detail about the “poor state” (consultant’s words!) of everything inside. Like you I was really anxious about the thought of surgery but the pre op staff nurse and surgeon were very reassuring and calmed me right down. I actually thought I would die on the operating table. A hysterectomy is a very routine op. One in four (at least) women have fibroids and only one in a thousand of those women have anything malignant. My biopsy was all clear. Before you speak or go and see anyone write all your concerns and questions down. Take your notes with you and don’t be afraid to say what’s worrying you.

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