Just wondering how often you guys go for check ups with your consultants?
Check ups...: Just wondering how often you guys... - HIV Partners
Check ups...
Im on a 6 mthly check up at the moment..
Once a year with the Dr and once a year with the nurse, so one of them every six month.. more or less when i can get there. and im in long enouth for them to copy the results to the sheet in my file then im off to the blood people then im off and back to work.nether more than half an hour.
Every six months. Bloods taken a couple of weeks before for a full screen.
I have had HIV for 13 years and have found that it changes with the longer I go with no issues and being undetectable. When first diagnosed, I had a T Cell Count of 41...yep, not a typo, and a viral load of 87,000. I went every week. Once the drugs kicked in, it went to monthly, then every three months in the first 3-4 years, to every 6 months when it became undetectable and now, it's yearly.
Today, I took my new sweetheart to my doc. We talked about where my disease is now, how controlled it is and we decided she would test every year at the outside and maybe every six months as we are not using protection. After weighing the chances of transmission - which are near zero - we jointly decided to have unprotected sex (i like the word lovins better).
So nice to hear someone be realistic and say "near zero" as oppose to saying impossible.
Best wishes
It varies at the moment 3 monthly. But I have a problem with my kidneys. ...
My physician wants to see me every 4 months, including bloodwork.
Mine too, she says it's the government guideline (uk)
every 6 months