What's your experience with dating (and roman... - HIV Partners

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What's your experience with dating (and romance) since your HIV diagnosis? Select all that apply

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8 Replies
Jamesi87 profile image

I have felt that I don't even look at guys anymore. Can feel lonely at times x

247sweet profile image

I met the love of my life celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday of civil partnership!!

Wayword profile image

As soon as i tell neg guys that i'm poz they always say it's no big deal though i never see them again!!!!

Mindset-change profile image
Mindset-change in reply to Wayword

I have a theme song for this now "another one bites the dust". Yes, they do seem to do that.

30yearsplus profile image

Never had a problem with dating. Had 3 long term relationships, (including my current marriage/civil partnership of 7 years together, 5 married) all with negative partners. One ended amicably, the other with dom violence. I went out in the periods of being single and never had a problem 'dating'. If you get rejected, they weren't worth it. None of us woke up one day and chose our status...we met someone and through that ended up where we are. Someone didn't tell us! Or they didn't know themselves! I know, with some certainty I haven't passed it on. Listening over my 30+ years to people newly diagnosed of their fear and apprehension always takes me back to my 'GRID/HTLV-III' (yes remebr that?!) diagnosis day too - but times truely have changed.

Go out! Date! Use forums 😗 Have wild rampant safe sex like you did before. Try and enjoy life. Who you are really doesnt change. People's attitudes towards you may, but it helps you weed out the shallow folk out there! Don't get bogged down in the 'what might happen'


Lovems profile image

I didnt think I'd ever have sex again, but after the meds kicked in and things stablized, I started going out with women again. When it looks like we want to have sex, I disclose to her and we go see my doc so she fully understands what it means to be a discordant couple. I've been undetectsble for years with a 550 cd4 count and 42% so it's nearly impossible for me to give it to her. Dating for me is only ltr.

Lovems profile image

Still date as much as I want to

GLADDY profile image

Find true love now having our second child together.