How well do you feel your condition has been managed... - HepNS


How well do you feel your condition has been managed over the last year?

2 Voters
Not at all well managed
Not well managed
Well managed
Very well managed
2 Replies
Believer profile image

I was diagnosed in October of 2011. I wasn't able to get any treatment as the drugs I needed were not approved for coverage by Nova Scotia government. It was the worst year of my life. Knowing I had something that could be treated, but couldn't get the treatment. The drugs have been approved now and I start treatment in October, 2012.

tettridge profile image


I was diagnosed with Hep B years and years ago and over the years have had lots of people say to me that I should be tested once a year or minimum every 2 years (I do not have the disease but am a carrier).I think it is about every five or six years that I actually get tested (unless I have to have a blood test for something then I have to ask them to test for the hep to see if all is fine). So far hopefully so good.