This stuff is scaring the hell out of me.
Why is everybody smiling in the start ... - Hepatitis C Support
Why is everybody smiling in the start up picture?

Just a front.
What are your fears?
I've had hep c 35 years and my liver etc is fine (Thank God/,touch wood etc)
I've been self treating with supplements many years now
And using other self healing tools.
Always pleased to hear from you
Best wishes
Hi Jenny could you give a general idea of what worked for you to keep the Liver from acting up, like what supplements or natural remedies worked the best for you. i am getting headaches and tiredness .
I take at 8 hr intervals with aim of disrupting virus replication cycle,
3/4 hour before breakfast with small amount skimmed milk to aid absorbtion...450mg milk thistle,100mg alpha lipoic acid,blueberry leaf extract 60mg
After lunch with warm/hot drink 500gm turmeric with piperine inc.
Before eve meal another milk thistle/A.L.A
Last thing another blueberry leaf with water milk,no food.
Also take Braggs cider vinegar thrice daily, 3 tsp in glass water
Also green tea 3 cups day.
Hope this works for you too
Lemon in hot water before breakfast is good as liver cleanser
These make virus replicate: Sugars,foods high in arginine ie seeds choc,nuts etc also foods high in reservatrol aids replication.
All good wishes, hope you feel much better
Are you taking any meds..they can stress liver etc
Will you go for treatment ie Harvoni if offered?
i am taking no meds at this time and i've had harvoni 8 wks. last yr and 6 months later this july it's back i applied for the gilead support path program again and haven't heard from them yet 2 wks. already . i am going to call them to find about my status. thanks for your reply
That's quite rare isn't it?
Thought Harvoni had good success rate
Good luck with it all