How has hearing loss affected your career? - Hearing Link

Hearing Link

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How has hearing loss affected your career?

CalvinHU profile imageCalvinHU19 Voters

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5 Replies
MickeyJoints profile image

It became increasingly difficult to heard in meetings and with changes in the position, I started working from home for new clients. I do have to wear a earphones when on the mobile to ensure I can hear the conversation - and to have hands free for typing. It's working out nicely for me - no commute!

I think I'd rather have the commute than to have lost my hearing.

JossMiller profile image

I retired three years ahead of schedule. The frustrations finally helped me make the decision. I used to be able to fill in my hearing by reading lips, but the last team I worked with had a lot of people with thick Indian accents. They were lost on me completely in meetings.

dickfend profile image

I had retired before my hearing became bad.

Once I started wearing hearing aids work wasn't a problem!!

Swiftmountains profile image

I have had to adapt in my career , lby using sign language , dictaphone in meetings , let people aware that they need to be facing me as that will make it a bit easier for me to still be able to do my job to the best of my ability