What areas of health do you feel it is... - HealthWeb Navigator
What areas of health do you feel it is difficult to find information on?
There are a lot of different points of views on treatments and causes its.. for example how much vitamin D3 one should take if one has MS but doesn't necessarily have a deficiency. It varies. My doctor doesn't see this information that I see on MS different sites online. Also different docs do not have the same opinion on a number of issues regarding MS. That may or may not be a good thing..
The sheer amount of information available online these days can be overwhelming, especially if it's related to one's own health/wellbeing. We hope both doctors and patients can use our website to discuss new findings and determine the best plan of action for individualized treatment.
Yes, it would be nice if patients and doctors could use your website, but I'm guessing that it will be very hard to find a doctor in general it will go on your site or others to see new findings, etc. I think doctors are extremely overwhelmed these days ( not to mention frustrated - I know because I live with one! ) and after spending a day at work dealing with computers I don't think they're going to come home and do more research on their computers especially on a site which has a lot of social impact even if it has good medical advice.