Do you feel isolated as a result of your brain inj... - Headway
Do you feel isolated as a result of your brain injury?
Please select one:
When I first had my head injury stroke and bleed on the brain, I became severely depressed. My doctor was so kind but had little knowledge of head injury. There was no notification on the notice board so I took to the internet and found headway it is an amazing sign which information was so helpful and I read so many peoples stories which helped me understand my problems. Since joining I have had enormous help so a big thank you liz 🌹
DVLA Medical Group treat us as second class citizens, so we have lost our independence.
I voted unsure as I my feelings of isolation vary from day to day...depending on getting out off my house! 😀
Although largely back to "normal" there are things I know I will struggle with more. Colleague nights out, large friends and family gatherings are exhausting, so as a result over time I've excluded myself from those. Some colleagues and friends are more understanding than others, but I'm grateful to those that do get it and will try and make sure there is a way for me to be included even if only for a short while.
I feel that "changeable" or something similar would be a good option for the vote as it can change from day-to-day and situations-to-situation as well as the level of recovery each person has made. I answered "no" right now, but I am 9 years post-TBI and have had times on the way to the present day where I have felt the complete opposite.
I voted Unsure, as it depends on how I am feeling from day to day. Some days it is just too difficult to deal with people and all the noise.
Definitely and I have lost a few friends too