What smartphone or computer-based tools do you use... - Headway


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What smartphone or computer-based tools do you use to help with memory?

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43 Replies
QueenV profile image

I write tick lists.

Bards profile image

I send myself texts on my mobile to remind myself, and ask same of others as a back-up to arrangements made verbally. I don't use the Smart part of it as a Coping Strategy. Any unfamiliar I.T. thing I'd need to learn to operate is a no-go. My 'phone is always with me so I'm not reliant on looking at the right device/Post-It at the right time. Only other aid is a paper diary. Acquiring new I.T. skills and my injury seem to be mutual exclusive!!!

miracleman profile image
miracleman in reply to Bards

Sounds familiar! :)

MikeSmila profile image

Put all my upcoming meetings in my phone, write out shopping lists (so I don't 4get anything), my phone reminds me of people's Birthday's & my phone helps me communicate to friends/family :-) My wife often says that I live on my phone :-D true, my Smartphone helps me thru life!

Windows phone with Cortana, voice recognition is very accurate and saves a lot of fumbling around with touch screen keyboard. Things like "Next time I'm in Asda remind me to buy chocolate" or "text Dev, when will you be back?" work. She's even flattering if you say please and thank you ;-)

Cortana will be fun when she comes to the Desktop PC, I hope things like "Hey Cortana, Delete all my files" will have plenty of "Are you sure?", ... "Are you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY sure?" confirmations. Could make life in an office interesting...

Dev, (who is glad he retired from IT when he did!)

Matt2584 profile image

My memory, or hippocampus (Where memory is stored), I like to think is in good nick.

I have a better long term memory than short term memory. My short term memory usually is pretty good but every now and then I could forget about something someone else told me a few minutes ago. I think my memory sometimes depends on tiredness as well maybe?

So I don't always use things like diaries, in notebooks or on phones. I think I would use a diary if I was a very busy person and always had meetings but I don't.

Tomorrow is my local Headway's Easter raffle. How I know that is because I was told last Thursday. I know it wouldn't be on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday and obviously not Saturday or Sunday.

Today was my other disabled group's Easter raffle and last night before I went to bed I would gather all the things I want to take and put them beside my bed so I would not forget otherwise if I didn't do that then it would mean organising more things in the morning and that could take up more time.


vwvanman profile image

I print off a tick list for the wife , the iPad is fab for setting reminders using the calendar .

miracleman profile image

Old fashioned pen/pencil & notes book, (Or loads of loose paper, which litter the house & my pockets! :( annoying my wife tremendously! Oops! Sorry!

in reply to miracleman

miracleman = same as me! I manage to turn up to appointments (unless REALLY bad) coz make my own calendars for on fridge = enough BIG space to write in. Trub is also got handbag diary PLUS now bought A5 desk one PLUS yearly bif=g planner = stupid, am now in MEGA mess, derr. I keep trying to get organised with it all but 9 years later I FAIL for lots, just get to appts and that's a start. But forget loads more should do. Bills annoying, never know dates, what paid (and elect in credit now). HATE all this = MUDDLE and STRESS.

tigeranne14 profile image
tigeranne14 in reply to

I can appreciate the bills thing....it is very tiring to spend time on computer sorting bills and sometimes i paid twice and my husband,bless him, had to phone up to get money back... lol the joys of tbi

rainbowsend profile image

I rarely look at the calendar so I use my phone and tablet most.

100pipers profile image


mp3mills profile image

Apps, devices etc. only work if you remember you have them.

I do lists and calendar...... not up on the techno front.. perhaps an age thing?

I need visual prompts that's why the calendar is HUGE and stuck to the wall next to the front door.!!

sporan profile image


I use the calendar on my smart phone and events both with alarms set prior to the events to remind me of appointments and regular events including the correct times to take my medication.

One of the reminders is for pain relief which a lot of people lagh at because "Surely you know when you're in pain" and the answer is yes I do but can't remember when I last took them so by setting a reminder at the minimum before next dose is allowed I can make sure I avoid overdosing on them!

I've tried post it notes and such but forget to look at them although I do use a calender but hang a clear plastic wallet on it with all my upcoming appointment letters in it with the closest one at the front that way my wife reminds me as well.

Hope this is of some help


I bought a tablet with keyboard, PC not Mac which I'm far better with and I FAILED: exhausted even trying to get it all going. Says it's dual boot (windows and other = which?) but am stuck with windows only and in french, tried SO hard to set up in english.

SO used to my mac and trackpad = kept trying to use tablet's keyboard trackpad same = doesn't work! Think actually I was mad to buy it, why make life more difficult, know mac = get same BUT so much more expensive.

Used PC years ago, can use but MUCH harder work, must think whereas mac don't need to. This one over 5 years old and used all the time but not updated coz all went crazy when I last did that especially itunes.

Think smartphone too small for me to use, find and read? not sure but think for me too tricky? Silly to buy then waste if so and would obviously prefer iphone coz same system I know = MEGA expensive and I'd probably drop it = have the laptop.

But paper = bad too so what's the answer? = Very few dates/things IMUST do = coz handbag diary worked fine then = enough. = STOP all the extra appts/MUST-DOs and STRESS = not worth it = STILL no health cover, benefits etc. BIG waste time/energy and prevented me doing FUN things = a YEAR trying = a YEAR in the bin = shocking and VERY sad plus DESPAIR coz just can't do = or WOULD have.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to

Perhaps same problem as me, too much wifi around you!

nemo_really profile image

As mp3mills days, aids of any kind are only useful if you remember you've got them, remember how to use them, notice and attend to any notifications, and (having got through that lot) they don't impose a significant cognitive overload to use them.

I fall over on all of the points and, with respect to the last point, can get mentally fatigued or exhausted entering data in multiple fields, particularly if I have to peck away or swipe on a virtual keyboard.

I also usually end up turning sound or vibration alerts of because it's irritating for other people (especially SWMBO) and forget to turn them back on ... mind you, I often don't notice them even if they are turned on our can't pay attending to them because I'm doing something important that I daren't Türen my attention away from.

I'm thinking of getting a Pebble smartwatch to see if it's less obtrusive for others and less intrusive for my workflow 《laughs hysterically at the concept of having a workflow》

Danslatete profile image

I get text alerts from the bank for my balance, I get text alerts from companies I need to pay money to regularly, I get text alerts from mot station to book my car in, reminders for the drop off arrangements, I get text alerts from school about parent interviews and school events.

I'd be lost without them👍

I use gps tracker thing if I am lost and get directions to follow so I can find my way too!

Danslatete profile image

I still have calendar in lounge and kitchen. I still use diary, I have timer that I can wear so I don't miss hearing it. I use lots of simple aids as well as tech ones.

inney profile image

i'm not sure what changed. i used to be so dependent on google calendar and reminders and now i'm very much a paper person. trying not to set myself deadlines and be more easy on what i have to do, when by, who with etc.

tiny moleskin diary and a little notebook for everything i need to remember and cross it out as i go along. things that need to be done as soon as or eventually eg reply to text, read x book. crossing things out is a good action to be able to do very often.

technology is weird. phases. not an age thing for me.

chriswilson profile image

I use banking app on my phone, timer on phone for cooking things, Siri on phone to read long messages I have trouble reading, also verbally send text messages.

lisa85 profile image

I set notices on my calendar to go off at lest half hour before I'm to do what I got to do, ie go to doctors, dentist, you have so, so appointment.

It really helps I would be lost with out it, as I'm no good with notes, I loose them.

Jembly profile image

I use for myself a calendar on my PC which sends reminders/notifications to my windows phone Copying the use of a calandar as my partner uses it a lot particular when was lecturing at university, had meetings etc.

I use it for my med's , events weekly monthly and reminders for birthdays. I send on occasion myself text messages.

I could not be without a computer, especially for writing at first and also now my phone for reminders notes to myself other people. Not really got into the hang of using Cortana as sometimes understands my voice other times not!

100pipers profile image


spideyman profile image

If i put the oven on i have the countdown on in my pocket and it always reminds me if i get engrossed watching Corry etc

cat3 profile image

PC calendar with alerts. Notepad for shopping lists. Text alerts for appointments. Written reminders always placed on hall table.

Still having lots slipping through the net though.

EleanorS profile image

Paper notes

Weather app....Which is not always accurate but it helps me control my body temp by being prepared dress wise. E.g....wearing the right cloths come rain or shine

vwvanman profile image

Calendar app on an Apple iPhone and iPad very useful ,I set one and they share via iCloud , so if I am away the wifes PA also gets the reminders , this ranges from when to shower , change the bedding ect .

SAMBS profile image

I've had problems with 2 computers and latterly the iPad -for several months, all on wifi, my home phone also operated through the "livebox" supplied by ORANGE, my French ISP here. I eventually Lost all OS ON all 3, now got iPad back and comps currently awaiting 'repair/restore.

However, after much thought and research, and now on 3rd livebox since May last year, along with a brain that "trembles" in my skull or feels lightheaded, plus an occasional but regular short sharp sting, that leaves me thinking, I've something crawling along my blood vessels and finally restless night times, I decided to phone Orange technician, I was lucky to talk with a Scottish one on their English helpline, to ask about all the wifi going round my home, told him I'd had a B I, and he said he was aware that wifi can affect some people but nothing is proven! perhaps many of us with B i's And bits of metal in various parts of body, I have a coil, LHS and stent on Rhs after my BI, are being affected,I also have a metal rod in my foot, after a correctional operation about 18 years ago, when all we had was internet via a tower and PC, NOT laptops, or mobile phones you could use remotely for Internet access!

Now we sit comfortably, using, laptops, tablets and mobiles, for access anywhere, anytime!, drinking tea-bag tea! Several years ago it was suggested that there is aluminum was involved in the 'T bag' which was also looked at as a possible cause or contributory factor in Alzheimer's (poor short-term or loss of memory's)

So tell me please, do any of you experience any of the symptoms I've mentioned.? Shortly after the BI, short-term memory was much better than now, longer term bad. Now a 'keyword' brings immediate recollection.

As a side issue I've also stopped taking all prescribed Meds except Levothyroxin which has improved my appetite, don't have as many mood swings, less confused! Everything we swallow, goes through the liver at some point, leaving toxins, which are taken via the bloodstream up to our brains. I was doing great, progress was slow but there, except for car accident 9 months after BI,. I'm now 2yrs 5months on from B I, I have lots more good days than bad, I know the physical things, like all 5 senses were affected and now, other than brain trembles, and wobbly walk, I can tell what causes which reaction for me. I know were not all the same, but hope above makes some sense to somebody!

Finally the tech from Orange suggested I turn the wifi off at the router when not using iPad (which also has a wifi off aid. I sleep better, I eat better, and must finish, as somewhat trembly again now. Who knows perhaps we'll en mass provide some evidence for the techs and scientists!

SAMBS profile image

Ps I use calendar on Nokia mobile-I turned wifi off, it only works as a pure mobile, good for me!

Flumptious profile image

I don't tend to use anything on my phone (other than the list of numbers, which I assume all the non-TBI people use, too!).

I have Word files for calendars ('Calendar' for work, 'Home Calendar' for home) and a 'To Do' file for work, which is very long - it has things I have to do, but also loads of other details that I need to know (who is in charge of what, which room they are in ...), and at the end I keep a record of personal stuff - codes I need for the girls at school, which classes they are in, when the passports need renewing, my Blue Badge number...

Each day, I look at this file, and work my way through the stuff that needs doing. I guess it is a fancy 'tick list', except I delete the jobs when I do them, not just tick them.

I don't know how I managed without this file, before my brain injury. It is such an important part of my life, now!

I do have several alarms on my watch:

i) Get out of bed in the morning

ii) Leave work, so I will catch the right train home, to be home in time to meet the childminder.

iii) Tell the girls it is time to go to bed.

I don't use those on my phone, though. It has never occurred to me to use an alarm on my phone!

I do always insist that I have my phone with me (and on!) whenever I am out of the house. When I had my accident, my husband rang my phone, to see why I was late, and he spoke to a paramedic (who didn't speak English!). It could have been awful for him, trying to find me, not knowing where I was. So, I always make sure that we all have our phones with us, now!

Nicole6 profile image

I like Sudoku and kenken puzzles..

B_S_A profile image

Google keep is great for lists

vwvanman profile image

To help with my wife's short term memory I use Apple Mac and iPad ,the calendar is the most useful being able to plan .

Mert profile image

Email a screen grab of my work calander to my home email - although find keeping adiary the best tool. Low tech!

SAMBS profile image

Apps and Wikipedia for information on other health conditions, especially as some are linked with my BI , which I then bookmark for refreshing my memorŷ! It certainly ,it keeps my brain working, looking for them again :-)

I've just bought a wifi scanner printer as well so I can now print off relevant info for anything, and out with relevant medical condition, because I've found my link between a SAH and other things!

jueboo profile image

When I've taken my meds in the morning I tick off the date on my kitchen calendar which tells me later I've taken them and also gives me a chance to see what day it is

spideyman profile image

Theres an app called myshopi and its a list of shopping you need and it will remain on your phone until you've bought it.

Let face it, you usually forget lists whereas you always have your phone and it saves you wandering round the shop trying to remember what you need and getting followed by store detectives as they think you might be shoplifting.

leewink profile image

I use written "post it notes" / calendar entries etc in general, but an I-phone has made reminders easier for me too

Guyb profile image

I find the I pad a god send I use it for everything writing letters,e mail ,reminders,banking,paying bills all set on reminders I use Siri to do every thing and everything is sync to I phone so can add reminders or download and print the letters I wrote ( Siri ) earlier

Interpab profile image

Living in London i’ve found Google Maps invaluable in helping with travelling around, finding bus routes, using street view to find landmarks and familiarise myself with areas.