Which of these Headway services have you used? - Headway
Which of these Headway services have you used?
Please select all that apply:
Health unlocked forum
Headway forum to contact others, private messages etc
I have also used sites in the US e.g. mayfieldclinic.com/PE-Aneur... and brainaneurysm.com/ in particular. I have also joined many FB groups run by survivors in the UK and the US.
I was given and downloaded a few of the Headway fact sheets. like most things they gave the general, and over time as i've got better I've worked out the bits that haven't recovered etc.
No acute trauma support for me NHS just piled on more trauma (psychological, betrayal, lies) and refused remedial care. Helplines (chat) are all very well but if they could actually DO something or force action they'd be far ore useful. Chat isn't real support - we need practical help, med care - just like everyone else with different injuries and disabilities. Can't believe that now STILL we are 'falling through the net' by mistake, doctors are trained, is their training totally inadequate? If not how can this be and if so who is responsible for this massive failure? Err,nobody?
did not realise you could make multiple choices
but I have used Web site, helpline and forum of course
Wonderful and helpful information on the web page certainly helped me understand what was happening to me.
I am so grateful Liz
Headway forum and local meetings.
My local Headway is located in Portsmouth and they have outreach centres. They is one in Gosport, where I live, so I do not have to travel far to get to these meetings on Friday mornings. I have been to the main centre in Portsmouth but it can be tricky for me to get to. I am going to have some assisstance through somebody at Headway who will hopefully raise my independence and confidence and I could eventually make my own way there with no problems :).
A lack of independence and confidence is a big thing for me. I was 11, almost 12, when I had my BI and did not have the chance to be independent. I am now 30 and am slowly getting there :).
I attend Headway North London Group. They have been my rock.
Health unlocked and have a headway card