Where did you/your relative go after discharge fro... - Headway


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Where did you/your relative go after discharge from hospital?

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45 Replies
headchild profile image

Sent home only in put from social services

Danslatete profile image

I got input six to eight months afterwards. My parents an mum in law stayed with me a week each till their holidays and special leave was used up. Then my oh took time then he had to leave to look after me. When we were homeless th social work stepped In to help. He got work and I got help.

Boo40 profile image

As a servicemen I was very very fortunate to go to a dedicated Rehab unit called Headley Court, in Surrey.

There I spent 6 months as an in patient, learning how to talk, walk, eat, and generally learn about my brain injury how it affects me, and how I should 'monitor' myself in order to be able to function in a socially acceptable manner.

Since being medically discharged from the forces in 2007, I have never ever been treated with so much disrespect, contempt or discrimination from any single person such as those that purport to care for those of us who have mental and physical deficits, all the way from my own GP up to MP's and Politicians, once you are of no use to them, your just a burden and they try to ignore you in the hope you'll go away.

Danslatete profile image
Danslatete in reply to Boo40

I felt the same after my med discharge, I too spent time at Headley court, though mine was spinal rehab.

Civvy street is a completely different kettle of fish to life in a blue suit(i am ex RAF) but its the indifference from those you served that hurts most.

Boo40 profile image
Boo40 in reply to Danslatete

I agree, all those who knew me prior to my brain injury still think I am able to go out socialising at the drop of a hat, and that I can drink in places that are unfamiliar to me with others who see me as 'normal'.

Then to think I gave 18 years of my life serving Queen & country in their time of need, yet now in mine, all I meet are brick walls, arrogance, and ignorance.

I am extremely disillusioned with the whole system now, and very disappointed, so I have made it my sole purpose to be a pain in their royal backside as much as I can.

The best of wishes to you, even if you are crab air... ;) Xx

in reply to Danslatete

I am horrified to read these posts & really ashamed of the way you've been treated.

nemo_really profile image
nemo_really in reply to Danslatete

Hey, Snap! Another blue-suited, spinal Headley Courter! :-)

The effects of my head injury were first picked up in the RAF but I can't say that I noticed much difference between treatment inside and out from a TBI point of view. "Listen to the Patient" and "Beware of Your Preconceptions" are not skills I have encountered very often amongst medics. I'm particularly irritated that:

- nobody seemed to take any notice of my statements that simply giving somebody a list of 'time management' and 'memory' techniques does not help identify and *habituate* suitable strategies and tactics. As many on here have commented it is a ludicrously naive approach to take, and has many potential failure modes.

- my problems with attention and task tracking were ignored/dismissed/laughed-at (NODUF)/attributed-to-stress until Prospective Memory problems became better known.

- nobody was willing to try ADD drugs despite the fact that I tick every ADD Inattentive box, including my performance markedly improving under what would normally be considered reasonably stressful. I pointed this out 20 years ago and found clinical evidence to support it. The good news is that I am hopefully about to embark on such a trial as the idea is now more medically acceptable.

- medics are often reluctant to abandon their favourite hypotheses in the face of contrary evidence, and can end up blaming the patient for failure to conform if they have non-standard symptoms.

in reply to Boo40

What a disgrace. All service personnel what ever their role in the forces deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. Headley Court do really good work

Do you mind if I ask you how you were injured, don't answer if you prefer not to. What branch of the forces were you in again - again don't answer if you'd prefer not to.

I had an abi in 1997, a real life changer, took a lot of work to get myself straight and get used to the new me but it does come.

Stay strong

vjones2 profile image
vjones2 in reply to Boo40

you spent your life working for the country its disgusting your not supported rightim not x service i did have friends in army who 1 on od time aks how am i doing the only good thing is you got rehab and you should have all help needed you put yourself out for this countrythis gov and royalty should be ashamed, i still got no use left hand and no help 2 get better walton hospital did all allowed but as im just o border of wales i wasnt allowed any rehab so rong whats with you and no help here

celtic27465 profile image
celtic27465 in reply to Boo40

Boo49 sorry to hear of the way we seem to treat ex servicemen ! I respect everything you did in your service to us ! Please don't think your a burden your better than that and you deserve our respect ! I'm not sure but there may be ex service personnel charities that help provide he help you want or need ! Have you tried the help for heroes charity they may be able to help ! Good luck and I hope things work out for you sir I salute you !

sospan profile image

The most bizarre thing for me was the accident I had after my brain injury - I fell down the stairs, hit my head a few times on the way down, small flow of blood, couldn't get my words out properly, two ambulances to get me on a spine board.

After being in a cubicle for six hours with no examination, the doctor came in did some basic tests and sent me home. Even though my wife explained that I had been off work for 8 months with concussion previously had a broken neck from a previous accident, the doctor didn't think an x-ray or CT scan was worth doing as I didn't seem to be in any danger. But to her credit the doctor did give my wife a pre-printed piece of A4 explaining what a head injury was - despite my wife being a nurse.

vjones2 profile image
vjones2 in reply to sospan

please dont say this was in wales i was left 9 days no ct no mri no nothing only blood now i no more i had every symptom of a SAH, id fallen got trapted 2 weeks before main hospital did nothing but it showed on scans 2 weeks 9days later id had bleed top ofback right head it took my sister to contact husbands family who said she needed 2 insist i had a scan i had 1 day after by evening i was in liverpool with very little chance of me being here surely after your fall and neck they should ct or mri you 1st thing rong of them

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to vjones2

Yep, it was the very large one in Swansea. The same A&E that 6 years earlier that i arrived on a spine board after an accident, go xrayed and sent home only to be recalled a week later after they reviewed my xrays - my c6 bone had cracked and the disc was tilting forward

vjones2 profile image
vjones2 in reply to sospan

your cervical spine not good hope your well on mend it was up north wales

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to vjones2

Thanks, hope your recovery goes well

Negeen profile image
Negeen in reply to sospan

So you have had tbi's on top of your tbi?

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to Negeen

Yep, one of the things that people don't realise that there is a cumulative effect from head injuries. Each one can be quite mild but the do add up.

The cartoon image of someone getting hit on the head and seeing stars is actually quite major - had a few of them in my time :-(

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to sospan

I had thought this year, but haven't had it confirmed here, that one thing on another contributes and yes things do all seem to add up. . Aneursym/Haem Mar 2013, fall backards on ceramic floor May 2013 banging head on floor - apart from a big lump for a few days, never sought medical help, thought I was pretty much ok as only a few problems with short temper, memory loss and confusion all put down to BI, stress etc., . Car accident last November and air bag straight into face/head and few months later is when problems/repercussions really began to be much worse

Even a visit to the opthalmologist 3-4 weeks ago, he was not interested in reading letter from my doctor saying I'd had all the above or even taking my history. He was an african/french man I couldn't understand a word he said!. i did not have a proper eye test and was 1st one since Mar last year - he's decided I have a cataract in L eye. Had such a short time there I lost my temper - said what I could muster in french - ended up yelling at them all in English and walked out. The driver who was to take me, didn't, she would have rtranslated. The one who did take me spoke no english at all. Now they ignore my emails. No wonder I get stressed!

vjones2 profile image

just looked do they not help any of us my shoulder subluxed i got constant head pain yet had no rhab no help

cat3 profile image

I was discharged after two months and after the consultant was satisfied that I had sufficient support at home. I had a three month follow-up appointment + MRI and two subsequent MRIs, the final one of which was two years on from the SAH.

coetzeegisela profile image

To own home.

coetzeegisela profile image


coetzeegisela profile image

To own home.

Sent home in a taxi along with my hospital notes which I left in the taxi. Formidable!

SAMBS profile image

My husband and I had separated 5 weks before my aneurysm/hemorrhage (spontaneous) in France March 2013 and he ignored me once I came out of hospital. and I was then living on my own and still do.. Subseqnently had fall banging back of head on ceramic floor in May and car accident last November. Had CT scan Sept, all semed OK aneurysm has shrunk but still there with a Stent in head. Hosp in November ignored my BI. n ow symptoms worse than before accident and still no help from system here.in Jan 2014.

Allsorted profile image

Just my Girlfriend (Now Wife), Mum & GP for 3 months

Mack59 profile image

Ime a new member, was hit headfirst by a Ford Corsair at 40mph 1970, i was ten years old, was told Doc's brought me back 4 or 5 times. Discharge papers given to my parents said 'no neurological defecit' I have no memory of the accident or my prior life. Was finally given brain scan 1996, I can't remember why but my life was in chaos. Was diagnosed with Atrophy Right Frontal Lobe and told to 'just pull your socks up and get on with it' After my last failed suicide attempt (2002)i was put in a psychiatric hospital, unfortunately the hospital thought I was someone else with same name (honestly this is true and such has been my life) I thought that finally I would get some help but I actually got treated outrageously, they didn't know I had brain damage, I was treated as an alcoholic with a Jesus complex !!!?? I spent a month there until they threw me out, said it wasn't a hotel !? Was years later I discovered who they thought I was and why I was treated so... I was put on Mirtazapine and luckily it worked for me, my aftercare was one appointment with a psychiatrist who asked if I was drinking alcohol and when I said no he said ok , goodbye !!?? My local doc's are good but none really know anything about brain injuries, sorry if this is nonsense, I spent years n years trying to explain myself and ime just burnt out, phew !!!

greenlady profile image

my daughter had severe head injury while living in Spain-she was discharged from neurological ward after 2 wks (3 wks ICU previously) No aftercare at all in Spain, she returned home when well enough to cope with travel etc-and none here either for over a year

pauly-paul profile image

My Mum was drugged before discharge (they did this then told the home that what they saw was Mums base line and she would never improve!! Mum had an adverse reaction to the drug which made her appear completely incapable) and was sent to a dementia care home! When I realised what had happened I had the drug stopped immeadiately and surprise surprise my Mum started to bounce back. She's only 59...perfect capable of talking and feeding herself with her right hand. She has only just recently had input from an ABI team (who are fantasic but only see her once a week for an hour as they cover the whole of cumbria). She has now been in said care home for over 4 months with little input from professional services. The care home staff have no experience with rehab patients and treat her like an elderly person with dementia which usually entales being put in a delta chair and left facing a wall for 8 hours!! Hopefully that will soon change.

Nickyxjx profile image

My son was sent to a neuro rehab unit after he was discharged from hospital. I was promised intense physio o.t and s.a.l.t what he actually got was 1 hour a day of therapy..... This to me is not intense rehab. Eventually after discharge to home he started to make tiny steps in the right direction.... In my opinion the best for of rehab is 'living life' this is not what he got from the rehab unit xx

lindyloub profile image
lindyloub in reply to Nickyxjx

Totally agree in the early stages its vital but in my experience more progress was made when I came home I had to discharge myself though the Hospital Consultant wanted me to stay longer and I realised the first 6months you make more progress but being in a Hospital Environment walking on even floors with rails isn't life until you get out and about the realisation of my paralysis then hit me badly suddenly I did feel disabled without the confinements of being in a Hospital Environment I went to visit one of my favourite spots overlooking the sea got out f the car to walk towards the cliff side to sit on the bench but I couldn't walk there being grass and uneven ground that's when it hit me that life will never be the same I would have to accept restrictions so on my return home I found my walking boots put them in the bin you need to live in the real world my paralysis won't change I have to respect that and try ways around the disabilities as best I can these days I can exercise with apparatus at a gym getting on & off the Apparatus isn't easy but the benefits are incredible hitting the burn & adrenalin rush the joy of being alive to see my grandchildren grow. I'm thankful I was operated so quickly for a blood clot which gave me only another 24hours to live thanks to god I'm alive it was a long hard journey with many tears & anger initially life on the outside brings greaster results & acceptance of limitations

Nickyxjx profile image

My boy was sent to a neuro rehab unit. We was promised intense physio 7 days a week. What we got was 7 months of hell oh with ONE hour a day of passive stretches..... Nothing intense about it!!!! Best form of rehab is 'living life' not being stuck with in the 4 walls of a hospital room!!!!! Xx

Tia-01 profile image

My husband was dischared from hospital where he had is operation to remove a blood clot from the brain after a fall downstairs back to the hospital he was transferred from for 2 weeks, Was discharched back home no support at all and after I fought tooth and nail he eventually got referred to a Specialist Brain Injury Unit as a day patient for a short period.

My Dr at the time [removed by admin] in Ludgershall Wiltshire diagnosed my brain injury as depression. It took 3 years of arguing with other GP's and refusing to take anti depressents before I managed to get referred to a consultant neurologist (Dr Peppercamp) who diagnosed me with a closed brain injury.

veronica57 profile image

i had a car crash in 2008 had a concussion but did not know that till a week later when i coillapeds and hit my head again was took to my gp who did nothing .i payed private for an mri scan and was told i had PCS and still no medical input for two years. six years on and i cant go out without support by carers.

MICH451 profile image


MICH451 profile image

to my mums 1 week then home alone

Winb143 profile image

My hubby was told by OT's "have you thought of putting your wife in a home" My lovely hubby replied "No we will look after her, bless him !! Hospital saved me from bleed only to give me Ventriculitus and Sepsis but I am so lucky to be alive.

So onwards and upwards now xx

Good luck All and when down sing and smile xx


50 years ago I came around after being in a coma from what I have been told the hospital discharged me after a week or two went, sent home told to recuperate for a few weeks then was sent back to School - no outpatient appointments - NO SUPPORT - the next 10 year were complete hell trying to be normal lucky I was not sectioned at times - got a menial job which meant my problems did not cause too much disruption

only found out last year I had had a life threatening Brain Injury

Am I angry you bet

vjones2 profile image

ive had no help at all walton couldnt as they had send me back 2 wales i got back no help no care no nothing and im alone i got sling for shoulder but 1 hand carnt do it carnt dress wash hair i pay out of my benifit i have no one

StrawberryCream profile image

Home with health care outpatient apts but no social care.

krazykiwi profile image

I went to Salisbury Spinal unit after I started in a Neuro ward in Bristol in Frenchay Hospital. I had good help as I had a spinal injury at C4 C5 which was initially more important cracked at my neck vertebrae. Then private physio & OT & health care as well as with D. A. R. T (Disabled Access Rehab Team from City Council)at with private medical insurance. Good luck everyone else.

only1ridinghood profile image

Have an ABI due to 2 strokes, 30 minutes apart in 2009.four day stay in hospital. Sent home with discharge letter and had to go to my GPs the next day to request services as I live in a different borough from the hospital. The community team failed to attend, so had to be chased. They came for 6 weeks but just concentrated on the physical problems. When I asked about my memory etc., all I got is well you've had a stroke. Finally had 3 weeks in a neurological rehabilitation unit in 2012, as I found Headway North London in 2010 who educated me in brain injury so I could start using the right terminology to justify why I needed rehabilitation. Everything is such a battle and exhausting even today.

bonfire profile image

I was sent straight home after my posterior craniotomy for my family to look after me. I saw my neurologist and an neuropsychologist. After care was non existent.

GinaMum profile image

My son was 4months in Salford Royal Hospital.. Then 8months and 22days in Trafford General Hospital.. Then home to me {mum} with 6weeks of renablement.. OT.. Physio.. Then over a year carers.. Then over a year support worker.. Now im his carer.. also under P.A.R.S at the local gym..