How did you or the person you care for sustain a b... - Headway


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How did you or the person you care for sustain a brain injury?

headwayuk profile imageheadwayukPartnerHeadway199 Voters

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77 Replies
rubikscube profile image

acute viral encephalitis

Alicedenham profile image

Brain haemorrhage, from ruptured Aneursym which cause a secondary stroke!

Molly15 profile image
Molly15 in reply to Alicedenham

Hello. This is exactly the same as my husband. This happened in October last year. He is home for the weekend, and hopefully being discharged next weekend. A long way to go yet, but we are getting there. Hope you are too!

Alicedenham profile image
Alicedenham in reply to Molly15

Hi Molly,

My thoughts go with you, that is not easy for you. I am coming up to my 2nd anniversary in April. I am certainly much better than I was this time last year!. I feel that is has been the stroke that caused most damage - fortunately weakness on my right side was minimum it was the damaged to my speech and writing that was significant. In my case, the iPad was a life saver, the journey is lonely and frustrating, spent along time in bed resting, the fatigue was a killer. The iPad allowed me to watch my friends via FB even if I couldn't reply, play Lumosity (Brain games to help me get the brain working) and watch iplayer when I was able to follow a TV programme. Might be something you could think of for your husband. I don't know if you husband is the same, but it was along time before I could tolerate noise - the iPad was perfect as I could turn it down without the family complaining! I wish you well and hope your husband's journey goes well too :)

Molly15 profile image
Molly15 in reply to Alicedenham

Hello and thank you so much for replying to my post. My husband is finding it very frustrating and difficult to cope with. Sadly his stroke affected his left side, and he is having a lot of problems with his left arm and hand, although his left leg is doing much better, and only this week he is walking with just the aid of a stick, although only a few steps. I am finding coping with his emotions very hard. He is crying so much about anything and everything, and is only now beginning to realise that he may never be the same as he was before. He was a keen and very good golfer, so we dont know if he will be able to return to his game. Also he loved driving and we are not sure if this is going to be a possibility. As you know, no one can tell us just what the final outcome will be, as everyone is so different. He is 58 and retired a couple of years ago, so at least work is not a problem. I am so grateful for your reply, it is a huge help to "talk" to someone who truly understands.

Alicedenham profile image
Alicedenham in reply to Molly15

The crying endlessly is hard for both, in my case it did stop being a daily occurance. The person you were has gone and getting to grips with version 2 takes time.There is a great letter from a survivor 'letter from my brain' which i posted to this site. It helped me no end, especially to be patient. If you can't find it on this site paste this address in the address bar

Hope it helps - I found it amazing. Anytime you want to talk I am happy to answer. Take care Molly.

Molly15 profile image
Molly15 in reply to Alicedenham

Thank you sooooo much, the letter is brilliant. I shall read it out to Steve later. And thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. You have been such a great help, and all the best of luck with your continuing journey.

Very best wishes, Jenny

Alicedenham profile image
Alicedenham in reply to Molly15

I am glad you found useful. Hope Steve does too. It is a long journey but it does get better in time. Tell Steve never stop trying, the brain us plastic and can be remoulded. It is quite amazing but it is hard work. I hope Golf will once again be part of his life. Take care Jenny (sorry about renaming you Molly!). You can send me a message anytime you need to talk :)

JULIETstevens profile image
JULIETstevens in reply to Molly15

I am a 39 year old mother of two and I suffered a brain haemorrhage 4 years ago. I have been through rehab and am living back at home.

JULIETstevens profile image
JULIETstevens in reply to Alicedenham

Yes this happened to me too. I had a brain haemorrhage when on maternity leave.

JULIETstevens profile image
JULIETstevens in reply to JULIETstevens

That's great to hear from someone who has been through a similar story. My husband is also very grateful I'm in touch with someone who understands the trauma I have been through so thanks for replying. I think I agree with my dad now and will give upon work and will keep trying to get publish ed. I'll just enjoy being a wife and mother and being allive

SandraEB profile image

Arterio venous malformation

spideyman profile image
spideyman in reply to SandraEB

Think thats what i had. On the Circle of Willis

100pipers profile image


Mikesghost profile image

Meningioma, but I am all but fully recovered from it now.

Accident onboard HMS Ambush, the submarine i worked on.

Hookyspelooky profile image

Misdiagnosed cerebral abscess

dazzzler profile image

Motorcycle accident - head on with a van.

bikerlifestyle profile image
bikerlifestyle in reply to dazzzler

mine was a lorry pulling straight out of side street, am glad i have no memory of it, do you remember yours?

dazzzler profile image
dazzzler in reply to bikerlifestyle

I have no memory at all of it, about 6 weeks completely missing. People say its for the best, but I find it very frustrating. What were you on?

bikerlifestyle profile image
bikerlifestyle in reply to dazzzler

mine was in 96 and for years i struggled with the wanting to know what happened, but now, i think its better that i dot remember it

i was with another rider, but he was ahead of me, so although he didn't see it happen, he knew the circumstances of it, and gave be a sort of 2nd hand memory

i was on an XS650 chop (a piece of crap nothing fancy, but it was my pride and joy)

dazzzler profile image
dazzzler in reply to bikerlifestyle

Mine was 2009. I was on a mint 1991 GSXR750M my pride and joy too. I miss that bike, and miss not being able to ride due to how the brain injury has effected my eye sight. I can completely relate to what you are saying, have had 'second hand' reports too.

bikerlifestyle profile image
bikerlifestyle in reply to dazzzler

i think not riding is the worst thing, i had a trike for a while, but only managed to keep riding for a few years more, and although my trike had a rack for my wheelchair, it just wasnt the same as being on a bike

this was my trike

Jembly profile image
Jembly in reply to bikerlifestyle

I agree with you not wanting to know is best I think. What happened if I could recall it from memory would have left me with nightmares I only know from assumptions and what the driver who hit me says.

I had 1st though mine was on my moped until after I returned to where I was living and there it was in the garage.

FBat profile image

Rugby Accident

jbel74 profile image

My brother sustained his TBI from a vicious attack with a hammer. Completely random assault on Christmas Eve.

Flumptious profile image

I fell off my bicycle (while wearing a helmet - I dread to think what would have happened without it!). I don't think this is the same as a 'road traffic accident', as that makes people think of cars.

When I see people riding without a helmet, I think they are crazy!

Alonso profile image

Daughter had SAH from a fall from a horse, wearing a helmet, but foot caught in stirrup an she was dragged about 20m


Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

The brain is such a delicate part of the bod y isn't it. Chickenpox, it sounds bizarre. I know someone at my local Headway who sneezed and lost her memory!

lissaip profile image

I had a Catastrophic sub arachnoid hemorrhage and multiply organ failure.

Aelfwyn profile image

Snowboarding. Two big guys skied straight into me and knocked me out. (I was on the nursery slope with an instructor, they were the ones in the wrong!) I was wearing a helmet which I had bought a few hours earlier, otherwise I'd be dead. 3 years on and still have TBI symptoms, but could have been a lot worse. Always wear a helmet, dudes! :)

veryfuzzyem profile image

Assaulted at 6weeks old, left for dead, resuscitated by paramedics. Still living, breathing and fighting back at 35!

veryfuzzyem profile image
veryfuzzyem in reply to veryfuzzyem

Sorry just realised, that the comments box was for people answering the 'other' category. Oh well, hello anyway!!

headwayuk profile image
headwayukPartnerHeadway in reply to veryfuzzyem

Hi veryfuzzyem,

No problem at all, the more comments the better!! It really helps us to know more about our members.

Best wishes, and do let us know if you need any support.


veryfuzzyem profile image
veryfuzzyem in reply to headwayuk

Thanks you, thats really kind x

Ettenna profile image

My daughter had a car accident 4 months ago. She sustained a severe brain injury with SAH, SDH and damage to every cortex of the brain. She is in a minimally conscious state in rehab.

rubikscube profile image
rubikscube in reply to Ettenna

Sandra E Bell


I dont know but sandra may be a great lady for support for you right now,

My best wishes to you x

Ettenna profile image

Thank you rubikscube. I'll drop her a line xxx

arjowiggins profile image

A fall i think,on march 27th 2012,got an acute axial haematoma in the left temporal fossa measuring 13mm in maximum depth,soon be coming up for a year now improving but very slow...

leeleeleelee profile image


one punch kill

i servived

Hit on the head with a shot-putt, depressed skull fracture, extradural haematoma and subdural bleeds in the right frontal lobe. Occured at when I was 14 years old (i'm 26 now), the school's and another person's fault, I never saw it coming although I remember being on the field. I've played it over in my mind ever since, I don't know what I did to deserve this.

MrPBH profile image

Severe TBI & shattered femur, with associated neurological damage. Car was driving on my side of road whilst taking a blind corner, which caused my motorbike (and me!) to take to the air after a head-on collision. My bike landed in a field, that was on the other side of the road, but - after clearing the car - my head hit the curb-edge, from a considerable height, on the other side. Was in coma for the rest of the year and in hospital(s) for several years.

Made surprising physical recovery and - after years of speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and 'education' classes - the neurological damage is now no-longer obvious (hidden), only becoming apparent when dealing with individuals on a personal basis. Feel that 'life' no-longer has any purpose...... but still being 'assessed', so - the purpose may reappear, but it has been 20 years!

spartan300 profile image

got mine from a vaccination

TBI left frontal lobe courtesy of the front of a blue Ford Cortina EDY 409E in 1967. Driver ran into me from behind whilst I was in centre of road and signalling to turn right. The car was days old, being driven at speed on a clear road early on a Sunday Morning.The driver will be 81 now if he's alive and I hope the fatherless bloke is reading this because he ruined my life and I doubt he gave it a second thought when he didn't subsequently go to court.

No obvious effects nowadays; I have a good job but I can't manage things logically and manipulating numbers is particularly difficult. I also have depth and distance problems and the passing of time can be a bit of a mystery. I'm not a dishonest person but I soon realised that where TBI, epilepsy and no driving licence are concerned one has to be very economic with the truth where employment is concerned.

The E suffix is peculiar; it was the first year that vehicle registration was issued from July to June; before that it was January to December, so there would have been less 'D' suffixed registrations than any other in the series.

SmileyGurlz profile image

I first suffered head and brain injury from my abusive parents and then I had a stroke in my late 20's.

Interesting to look at the statistics. RTA myself.

Taul-Zulloates profile image

I was shot in the head

cat3 profile image

SAH Dec 2011. Still recovering (I hope). :-)

B_S_A profile image

Arteriovenous Malformation haemorrhaged.

Kirk5w7 profile image

Viral encephalitis

Annef68 profile image

My son was injured in Afganastain in July 2010. He was recovering a vehicle blown up the previous day, it was deemed safe to recover, then on doing this a secondary device 50kg improvised explosive device (IED) went off directly under his vehicle. Unconscious on arriving back to Birmingham for 3wks, family were informed it was unlikely that he would wake up. Surprise with family by his side 24hrs & a constant nagging he's doing really well. :-)

wannagetbetter profile image

removal of a benign tumour from right frontal lobe. i think there is some left

richey profile image

Eork accidebt tree log dropped on my head from tree

richey profile image

Work a cident log dropped out of tree on to my head i ha d a fractured skull and a bleed on the brain

richey profile image

Didny mean to send twicw coulnt find first post

Jennaberri profile image

Other - I was putting a friends pony back in his stable, I was standing directly infront of him, he pushed out of the stable and I took a few steps back and lost my footing. I fell backwards and landed on the back of my head on a granite curb, the impact fractured the back of my skull and caused a bleed and bruising to the front right side of my brain

StrawberryCream profile image

Bacterial Meningitis & Septiceamia

Thrown from a horse.

angelite profile image

Suspected Encephalitis-was thrown out to psychology after non contrast MRI pronounced clear..No further tests other than bloods-white cells up for 5 months,lymph nodes up for 2.Told at 5 months I had likely had a brain infection.EEG at 10 months-normal.Eventually put down as FND a year on- neuro said it means 'we don't know'.Offered drugs for physical symptoms/spasticity but I declined on side effect grounds-asked for physio instead but was denied.GP says treatment is psychology-who signed me off months ago as they did not feel it was a mental health issue!Oh dear!: (

pinkyO profile image

Brain abscess size of tumour in adult but in a toddlers head.

miracleman profile image

Hope this link works!

Matt2584 profile image

I sustained my brain injury via surgery. I was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 1996. I had 2 ops, one to have a shunt installed, one to he the tumour dealt with. Unfortunately, I experienced complications and had a further op in 97. I was then diagnosed with another tumour (cyst) in 1998. I again experienced complications and had a further op in 99 and an op on both tumours in 2000. In 2005 I had an op on my back which I thiink is linked to my tumour. The back op triggered an emergency operation on my shunt and in 06 I had another op on the shunt. Another in 2008 and 2 in 2010.

So as you can tell, I have been through the mill.

randomphantoms profile image

I did not have the problems before the fall. MRI 3months later(after optician wrote report of non responsive pupil). Now 2 years later the medics are arguing whether the lesion is a stroke or not. I know it wasn't.

Jembly profile image

RTA, Road Traffic Accident. Was like a tennis ball between a fast car and the back of a stationary bus and speeding car again and under the bus!

viral encephalitis

viral encephalitis

Bacterial meningitis. Best wishes to all BI survivors this morning, hope you manage to have a good day, whatever you are up to.

EleanorS profile image

Much love to all

Lollipop00 profile image

I sustained my head injury from a collision in soccer.

fredikins profile image

I had an operation to remove a meningioma brain tumour, the term for this is Acquired Brain Injury.

Reeve77 profile image

Fall down a flight of concrete steps outside a block of flats, I had been up and down those steps many times, I had no idea that this on occasion would change my life forever, although it does make you appreciate things more I think

Reeve77 profile image


Solus_Spes profile image

Bf has a hypoxic brain injury. Not 100% why we believe potential accidental o/d. 7 weeks in and making a miracle of a comeback

kevinkris78 profile image

Medical negligence

Pip70 profile image

My brain injury has been caused by Congential hydrocephalus discovered but not treated(because I was developmentally and educationally normal) when I was a teenager. My symptoms, apart from the occasional seizure, have only developed in the last few years. My hydrocephalus was treated from 2016 firstly endoscopically then surgically I am now suffering from the effects of chronic brain injury.

Ste110 profile image

Tore my carotid artery while surfing, eventually those led to clots that caused a right side stroke.