Which specialists have you, or the person you care... - Headway


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Which specialists have you, or the person you care for, been assessed or treated by following a brain injury?

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Please select all that apply:

19 Replies
Aelfwyn profile image

Sorry, should have ticked 'other' as well but it is not clear on 1st page of poll where to comment. I've also received treatment from a Clinical Psychologist specialising in Trauma, for post-traumatic stress and anxiety.

NB I've not seen any Neuropsychologists in person, but my neurologist and clin. psych. have discussed my case with them and received feedback which helped them to decide how to proceed with my treatment.

spartan300 profile image

i saw a neurologist 10 months after my trauma due to vaccination damage but after trying various drugs i was told i would have to manage my condition myself,i got brain damage+ serious damage to nervouse system ms type symtoms and stroke, that was oct 20th 2006,

Stoke profile image

I also saw a neuropsychiatrist.

jessenicholson profile image

Also ear nose and throat specialist, psychiatrists, psychologists and pain clinic consultant. As well as neurologist.

supermom profile image

my son was in a car accident 2.5 years ago,he also sees a psychaitrist,eye specialists ,he lhas lot sight in his right eye due the brain trauma the optic nerve,he also has holes in the cornea due 2 the trauma that have 2 b monitored,the list goes on ,but thank g-d hes progressing,and doing great.

sister1 profile image

My brother is in bury the priory rehab, he was treated with haliperidol in hospital and is now severly braindamaged. he is cared for by wonderful staff and they are as if not more important to my brother than all of the above. my others are all off my brothers support workers x

lissaip profile image

I also saw a Neuro physiotherapist,,

DesMartin_04 profile image

I've seen a Sports Medicine expert who concluded I had PCS. I've been to Physio Therapy, Massage Therapy and Acupuncture by a Naturopath.

sandi07 profile image

I had my Brain Haemoredge in May.......I was referred for an assessment by Headway....my Doctor actioned this....but I was told it would take a while...........so still waiting............have felt it would have benefited me to see someone a lot quicker........to help me make sense of things......I want someone to help me identify the things that I find difficult now.....and then help me to find what tools I can use to overcome things the best I can........

adw001 profile image

I have seen an audiologist who diagnosed very mild obscure auditory dysfunction (aka central auditory processing disorder (capd) (difficulties screening out sounds in background noise.

I also saw the Fight for Sight clinic at City University who diagnosed extreme visual stress (especially to bright white light), the most extreme the opthalmologist had seen in years. This was using a special machine. This confirmed the diagnosis of a dyslexia specialist at South Thames College who diagnosed me with visual stress and a preference for Brown type on a dark yellow background. I have been prescribed specialist glasses as a result and also have my computer default settings (including in two out of three of the browsers I use) altered. I use coloured paper or grey recycled paper or cheap grey paper (from the 99p store) as this is easier for me to use. Grey is also easiest for the greatest number of people which is why it has been the default recommendation (grey background) of computer professionals since the 1950s).

I am still awaiting comprehensive vocational rehabilitation and am hoping to get this soon. My skull fracture and brain injury (3 days in intensive care, cooling, etc) took place 47 years and two months ago when I was just one month old. This is longer than it took Moses to get across the desert.

headwayuk profile image

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in this poll - the results are really helpful for us when planning our information and services!

Alicedenham profile image

Speech therapist immediately after leaving hospital (suffered a SAH and vasospasm in 2011) and Exercise Referral NHS team via my GP about 7 mths later to help strengthen the right side of my body and improve oxygen flow to the brain to help me speak fluently again. I wish I had known about the Exercise Referral scheme earlier as I found it a positive experience that was immensely helpful. The scheme gave me the motivation to keep trying. I feel that it was essential to my recovery.

FBat profile image

Pain and Fatigue Management Clinic, Exercise Referral, Cranio Sacaral Therapy, Gait Clinic (Podiatry), Counselling. These have all been fantastic services which have helped hugely with my situation. I'm now waiting for neuro-rehab

Ettenna profile image

Endocrine team, gastro team, orthotics, podiatry. I'm sure there are more that have seen my daughter but I can't remember xxx

Danslatete profile image

I also saw eye peole for diplopia and ent and fracture clinic, then i saw pain clinic and am still seeing them. I also was refererd to exercise class on GP referal scheme. It was fantastic and i still use it as a follow on patient. It helped with core strength balance and improving movement, but also socialising because i was too scared that people would hate me because i dont have the filter to stop saying what i think in my head and i upset people. ABI team support workers. physios.

I cant remember others, i was seeing a lot of people in out patients clinics for a long time, now i barely see the GP because there is nothing that can be fixed and im as good as it gets, which is great in one sense but not too great when you filling in forms for the benefit folks.

platinumcoils profile image

I had endovascular coiling so I was also seen by a Radiologist.

RogerCMerriman profile image

I have been assessed and treated by a Physo, who is part of the Nerological rehab team.

Made a huge differance

only1ridinghood profile image

I had to seek them out.

jacxx profile image

Sorry pressed wrong one.

I had treatment in Frenchay, they put coils in my head. Had a few scans first few years.

Had physiotherapy for balance from the brain team who go to headway