Do you claim any welfare benefits? If so, which ones? - Headway
Do you claim any welfare benefits? If so, which ones?
Please select all that apply:
I did get DLA on the lower was refused at first...but the decision was reversed. My ESA is at appeal......nightmare!
dont let the B******DS get you down ... they not botherd about whats up with ya remember its a point based assessment if its not to late get a wrtten note from your doctor and any copy of medical records that will help you state your case .. dont ever agree with them or let them hood wink you in your physical or mental ability .. you know yourself and how you cope with things at home .. if you still dont get the anser you want you can further apeal
just because someone maybe able to put a comb in there top pocket or stand for 5 minutes without aid or discomfort is not an excuse to cut your benefits and throw you on the dole ..
they want points .. play them at there own game
hope all goes well
I get Incapacity Benefit & Housing Benefit!
I get the higher mobility rate which is a life saver for me using the blue badge means I do not have to walk further than I am able. I get the lower carers allowance, which comes in handy paying for hel with thngs I cannot do
My ESA is at appeal......I had an assessment just before I had the Brain haemoredge....5 days before....which said i was fit for work.....fair enough...but after I got out of hospital after surgery.....and my next doctors line went in....which included the haemoedge...they stopped my money and said i was fit for work....I got so worked up that I ended up back in hospotal fot two days.....anyway its at appeal.....that was in July...its now November.....back log....! they said it could take 6 months......I mean dont these people have nay common snece.....nobody....having had neurosurgery is going to be fit for work after 5 weeks.......all I can say is I am disgusted as......all I have has is hassle and stress.....
hi sandi07 no these people are not from the medical proffession and they usually get some reward (money) for each person that they get back to work, they cannot and do not understand the difficulties we go through and that if we could we would all like to go back to full time employment and the salaries instead of the handouts we are given, most of us including me cannnot go back to work as the stress and fatigue are too much for us . hope you get sorted soon
its common knowledge that if you break a leg you cannot walk! it should be common knowledge if you have a brain injury you are going to have things wrong that will stop you from working. brain bleed is fact!!! t in black and white, how much evidence do they need#? and yet A BAD BACK can be used as a disability but you cannot see it either but it is eisier to fake and get disability. us head injury claiments have to fight and that is so wrong....But can i say a big thank you to the tax payers for supporting me coz without my money help i dont npo what id have done. i so appreciate all i get..
I'm currently claiming Incapacity Benefit and am about to be switched to Employment Support Allowance
And am appealing DLA renewal refusal. Also seeking direct payments.
T he only way i think you can bypass all the red tape, is let the citizens advice write to them for you, they seem to
be able to get you what you need,
Good Luck with it x
also, headway have been amazing help to me, a great starting point,
My partner has had problems with his ESA claim. They too deemed him fit for work. He suffers dizzy spells and finds it hard to walk. As he was well kempt at his medical and could sit in a chair for 35mins! The medical examiner did not listen to what i had to say and constantly told me to be quiet. I had to keep repeating the questions to my partner for him to understand what was being asked of him. The process is a nightmare!!!
Whilst the DWP reassess my claim they have put me back onto Incapacity Benefit (the decision maker deemed it better for me than simply to take my ESA reassessment to appeal).
I had incap benefit but they changed it to ESA they gave me WRAG and said i could appeal but they dont give you the reasons why you get the WRAG so how do you appeal. anyway it finished because you only get it a year. I get low mob and mid care i think. maybe other way around not sure, but its changing soon anyway so will probably not get the new pip thing. I had to go to tribunal with care workers because they said no on the forms. Its a bit hard to fill in when you are not aware of which things are not working the way they should.
We get the tax credits because our income is low from my partners job. I got a part time job now but am struggling a lot. very tired and get angry easy like going backwards again.
I have claimed incapacity benefit plus housing & council tax benefit.
i dont no my mum does all my benifits
I am appointee for my daughter. She is entitled to DLA high rate care and mobility but doesn't actually receive it because she is in a neuro rehab facility. She gets ESA though but they haven't said yet whether support group or wrag but I have been told that ATOS have made their assessment and it's on its way back to the job centre for them to action.
Military Medical Pension
Have log on to this section as I need advice , living on MOI own , help with finance , getting a social worker , independent living
I am on ESA but don't get any income as I was retired under I'll-health from my job and pension is slightly more than ESA. They keep telling me to close my claim but that will mean I am no longer a static. Also when I returned to work if I had been in the benefit system I could have had Access to Work as my employer was so unreasonable. Ever meeting was a battle between my Union representative and them.
I claim pip which has been cut from full allowance to the very minimum even though there's been no improvement I've just learnt to live with my condition more it's not become any easier for me. I'm stuck on my own with 2 children struggling financially because I can't work anymore I feel trapped and forced to cope regardless
im receiving the new universal credit. i go hungry last week of the month.
Housing and council tax.
I am grateful to be on ESA support level, so dont have to keep supplying info. also on housing benefit. was lucky to be assessed by someone who knew about neurological conditions, a minor miracle!