Since diagnosis has your GP/Gastro ru... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Since diagnosis has your GP/Gastro run blood test check ups & tests for you or your Child for...
Ihave been asked to rather vague meetings with those dealing with dietary things, but as I am also a Type 1 diabetic as well as Coeliac they are mainly unable to help. I am intending to go and see my diabetic nurse very soon.
Have had a tap fitted to enable easier access to my blood....
Dont expect the dieticians to know both the diabetic and the Coeliac life styles.
One of my favourite all time sessions with the Diabetes specialist when she recommended I "eat wholemeal bread". which point I gave up with her...
Hope your 2013 is good for you all..where ever you may be....
My DEXA scan was organised by the dietitian I saw three months after diagnosis. Sadly, all the other tests were done only after I kept returning to the GP asking how many more months it was likely to be before I felt better, and then took in a printout from a website suggesting that I might be low in various vitamins etc. Turned out my iron was 5 and my Vit D was 27, so no wonder that I was feeling at less than peak condition...
I asked for most of the tests except for the Dexascan which was asked for by my dietitian.
I have been told by the gastro I will need "lots of bloods done over the year" but no-one has told me which ones and how often.
Like Evereld I have Type 1 diabetes and now 7 months into my GF diet am finding it very hard to control even with an insulin pump. Lots of unpredictables and no-one has any idea why or what do do about them. I am working through and guess it is just down to the healing process.
My dietician seemed to know less than me. All she did was give me a wad of leaflets.
Same as Barryd!
Since being told that I have coeliac disease, I have never had any follow-ups or any appointment with a dietitian. All information I have found out relative to my condition has been done by reading, corresponding with other coeliacs and the Internet.
I have had a blood test every year since been diagnosed. Can't fault my doctor. Did go and see dietician just after being diagnosed, didn't find it that helpful, was supposed to have a follow up appointment after that but it never happened. My doctor is great I think that the fact that she has a friend who is Coeliac as well helps.
Ok my rant. We simply cannot leave the control of our condition to the GP. They are simply to busy with patients and only treat symptoms. We need to keep abreast of what is happening ourselves (unfortunately) and ask the doctor. Gastro specialist I find are different as they seem to have more of a handle on things. BTW happy new year to everyone.
Only tested for bone density and that because I requested it (family history of osteoporosis). Never seen a dietician, but I've heard so many disparaging reports that I'm not bothered. My GP is willing to help, but I think after a few months on this forum and other places, I now know more than her.
Lynxcat in my experience you cannot wait for the Dr to suggest much of anything. I'd recommend you simply book a double appointment with a new Doctor at the practice and ask why you've had no check ups, how you get referred to a gastro and ask for the blood checks you require. It's not acceptable for Nurses not to know how to convey results nor for your records to go awry or you not to have Coeliac health checks. That's how important medical problems are missed.
On first being diagnosed, almost nine years ago, I saw the gastroenterologist every six months then every 12. Once I was doing fine, I was put onto phone clinic appointments - every year I'm sent a letter with a date and time on which a nurse will telephone me at home and given the blood test slips to take to my GP to get my bloods taken. Then when the nurse rings me she gives me the results of my blood test and ask questions about the condition, any symptoms etc. Over the years the appointments have been gradually getting farther apart. I just put that down to the phone clinic only being staffed by one part-time nurse. But this year I'd noticed that I hadn't had my usual phone clinic appointment for some time, so just asked for my bloods to be taken. This was done at my doctor's surgery and a GP gave me the results. I then just telephoned the coeliac disease phone clinic and left a message for them to look on the central system for my results, saving them a job of contacting me. Think I'll do the same next year too!
On being diagnosed by a gastro 10 months ago I was sent straight back into the care of my GP he suggested initially that my antibody levels were tested every 6 months along with iron levels, I was also lucky enough to see a dietitan 3 times. Just a thought about the map of medicine on the nhs direct site could this not be quoted to GP's who don't play ball as this states an annual check up should be done ...