What's the most difficult thing about... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What's the most difficult thing about eating & drinking Gluten Free?
Please select one:
I think cross contamination is the biggest problem for me. A lack of awareness can be dealt with on the spot but we don't know what goes on behind the scenes in a restaurant and even they may not be aware they are cross-contaminating.
Being gluten free wouldn't be much of a problem for me if it was just a matter of avoiding certain foods. I agree as well that avoiding cross-contamination is a major pain - for me, the main issue is trying to get other people to understand how important it is.
Gluten free meaning it contains up to 200ppm of gluten same with wheat free.
If nut free means no nuts why can't gluten free mean no gluten?
I think when you travel is even more difficult. There are lots of places in the world where restaurants staff has no idea what is gluten or even wheat. I found myself in a situation in Miami airport before a 9 hours flight that there were just hamburger, pizza and sandwiches so I had no food but fortunately Virgin Airline gave me gluten free menu.

Psst: we know the new look site has cut off the % and descriptions for the poll. Don't worry the HU team are on the case and working away to get this resolved.
I have a problem with the cost of GF foods, my income has dipped because Ive been ill ( and being self employed I get no help from the state!) and as soon as they had established I am not Coeliac the nhs washed their hands of me and left me to struggle on on my own! Im following the full GF way but am struggling!!

Hi Suzanne. What do you mean? Have you had confirmation by blood tests that you're not Coeliac? Ref being self employed. A number of the GFG team are as well and that doesn't normally mean in the UK that you get no NHS or state help. As long as people have paid NI and tax in the past there are often freelancers/ self employed people that do quality for state support during hard times until they are back on their feet again. Feel free to private message us if you'd like some handy links or what to discuss things in more depth.
I think my biggest problem is when we want to eat out as a crowd & where we can eat is dictated by which restaurant/pub/cafe serves g/f food. I then feel that I am a nuisance despite being told by friends & family that it is not a problem. They are all very supportive of my coeliac status.
there should be more awareness. published.
governments should make laws regarding problems.
people should be informed of dangers of food spraying.
food establishments. need educating. and warned
of the dangers.coeliacs experience. with contmination
supermarkets. should not be allowed to. shelve non gluten free. foods with
gluten free. e.g. middle of shelf.. cakes etc. with gluten. they to need educating.
And those who think we are fussy eaters. should try our life style for awhile.
I was once told forget about the diet. go back on to chemicals
Well defined. august
All of the above...