What's the gluten-related symptom tha... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What's the gluten-related symptom that bothers you the most?
Please select one:
I also have significant 'brain fog' and memory/concentration problems too. No fun :/

My biggest issue was feeling tired for 10 years and simply putting it down to working long hrs. My GP said it may be a reoccurrence of glandular fever or IBS. Luckily when I felt very nauseous, dizzy and tired a new GP decided to do a range of new blood tests and it was spotted.
For me the hardest thing is the irritability (2 sons CD) it's hard trying to keep normal behaviour and dicipline when you know it's not really their fault that they're hitting kicking screaming and headbutting the floor (really!) and when you tell someone they say, but they're always so lovely!
I hate feeling tired. Bloating can go, as can the runs and constipation, but the lethargy stays. I feel like an old woman sometimes - at the ripe old age of 29!
Actually all of the above. After several years eating gluten free, these symptoms for the most part are gone. I can always tell when I have accidentally eaten gluten. In addition, I have had anaphylaxes shock four times. This is life threatening so I keep Benedryl and an Epi-pen with me.
My worst problem was appalling PMS - three weeks out of four unbearable and bleeding so heavy I was offered a hysterectory. Going GF made all that vanish instantly.
also had the rest of those so it is easy for me to rank the pms above the others
Why don't blokes admit to having Coeliac Disease?
Breathing and walking difficulties.
its all gloom and doom the good bits are are the support and help we get on all these web sites. It's really good to know that whatever the issue someone will 0ffer to help. for me the diet is not much of a problem its the illness its self.
Just like to say thanks Fiona GFG for a very informative survey/ surveys
Never really thought about it until I saw it on the list but terrible depression ,something that is hard to pin down because you think , yeah I feeling a bit down , but let's hope if I stick to the diet things might change ?
They used to say what's the difference between Mick and a batterie ? One has a positive and a negative the other has two negatives
I too would like to say thanks to Fiona. Just found the site 2day. I have battled with depression for a long long time plus Psoriatic Arthritis the 2 just run side by side if not pain from one it is the other, so yeah often very low and cant pinpoint it to anything!!! often feel people think im putting it on.
this site helps knowing am not the only one.
The worst for me would be the severe abdominal pain so bad that it causes me to pass out unconscious.
This has happened to me many times but I haven't noticed many people saying that they experience this.
I have quite a high pain threshold but when gluten is involved my body just cannot withstand the effects.