What health problems do you (or yr ch... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What health problems do you (or yr child) have alongside Coeliac Disease?
I was actually diagnosed with DH before coeliac disease and was asked to attend hospital as a teaching aid for GP's as it is a reasonably rare condition.
Out of the 40 GP's who examined me only one gave a correct diagnosis.
I'm not sure what to think about that?
I have psoriatic arthritis along with psoriasis which started first coeliac then psoriatic arthriis within a year of each other, asthma is a recent thing, dh is only if i have glutened to much!!!
Milk allergy, asthma, eczema, gout, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia
I have had Ezcema all my life, Aneamia since my teens and was diagnosed with Low-Bone Density after my coeliac diagnosis.
Thyroid since I was 18. Coeliac disease and Sjögren’s syndrome for last 3 years
Auto Immune sibce teens, entrometrosis last 20 years, Gluten Free 2 years and much healthy, although not diagnosed Coeliac (but all the symptoms!)
Hypermobilty Syndrome, Asthma, Ezema, Chondromalcia patella (knee) and lots of cold, flu and chest infections. Basically every bug going! sorry about spelling
The trio of Asthma. eczema & hayfever.
Lactose intollerence as a baby up till the age of 3 then diagnosed with diabetes at 17 and then CD at 34! I am generally pretty healthy though thankfully!
Although the diabetes has affected my eyes so I have diabetic retinopathy and more recently it has affected my hands and I have trigger finger in both my thumbs which is incredibly painful!!!!
I was lactose intolerant when first diagnosed with CD in 1995, but since then in 2007 started having nocturnal epilepsy which medication - now on 4th one - has not totally stopped.
I have thyroid disease, severe hypokalemia, asthma, ezcema, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, hypertension, GERD, and IBS. I have multiple environmental, food and drug allergies. I had PMS, fibroid tumours and endometriosis until they did an emergency hysterectomy and put me on HRT. I'm the canary in the coal mine.
I am dairyintolerant, glutenintolerant, coffee, tea, chocolate and citrus, have chronic migraine syndrome, asthma, psoriasis and IBS. Otherwise I am fine!
osteopenia, osteoarthritis, polymyalgia and fibromyalgia
Aneamia, depression and balance proplems.
I have CD, microscopic colitis, oeteopenia, a scratched lung and have a very bad reaction to most med's. I'm also avoiding lactose and have issues with high fructose foods.
Severe eczema which all but cleared when I went Gluten Free - but remained quite severely on my hands - again, this all but cleared up when I switched my dogs to a Gluten Free Diet.
Have now started getting DH attacks if I get caught out with my diet, itis excrutiatingly painful and very difficult to clear
CD, asthma, eczema, hayfever, other allergies, IgA deficiency, lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, and currently being investigated for possible thyroid/ adrenal problems
i have B12 injections every 3 months ,.and have H D
My daaughter has astma and eczema and was diagnosed with cd at 3 -4 years old (I was quite pushy)
I am hoping that diagnosing her and teaching her from such a young age will prevent some of the complications that can occur, fingers crossed x
Asthma and PCOS.
Main problem is hypermobility syndrome and widespread muscle pain; niggling away are numerous food intolerances, PCOS, anxiety and mysterious ongoing GI symptoms.
hyperparathyroid, hypothyroidism ( Hashimotos), sarcoidosis and chronic kidney disease stage 3.
CD,lactointolerance,IBS, anxiety.
I had no other health problems until coeliacs was diagnosed. I developed a dvt was diagnosed with coeliacs at the same time. Since then I have developed osteopenia and oesophagitis..
i have a dust allergy, latex allergy, milk protein allergy, ibs and hayfever. currently getting tested for endometriosis too. im also hyper mobile so suffer from joint pain constantly.
I have type 1 diabetes,since the age of 3, graves disease (thyroid) copd and celiac disease. It's a struggle trying to balance all of these conditions but I'm hanging in there!!!
Dairy, citrus, caffeine, tomatos, as well as coeliac.