Which symptoms below did you or yr ch... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Which symptoms below did you or yr child have that led to visit a Dr and a Coeliac Diagnosis? (tick all that apply)

FionaGFG profile imageFionaGFGAdministrator365 Voters

Please select all that apply:

21 Replies
mongoose1 profile image

i had ulcerative colitis for 8 years before having coeliac test, only had it then as my ibd nurse picked it up.

vince profile image

It does seem to be a case of luck in diagnosis, my last blood test said I wasn't a coeliac????

juee profile image
juee in reply to vince

If you were following a Gluten Free diet at the time, the blood test will say your not coeliac. You have to be 3 months on a normal diet to show up antibodies in the blood. I was border line with my blood test, but I was on a GF diet. Doctor said if I went back to normal for 3 months it would give a clearer result. I wasn't prepared to do that (too painful). I think a biopsy is the only way to find out for sure, and on a normal diet - but if you know that you're sensitive to gluten, why do through all that just for a label? Jue

juee profile image
juee in reply to vince

If you were following a Gluten Free diet at the time, the blood test will say your not coeliac. You have to be 3 months on a normal diet to show up antibodies in the blood. I was border line with my blood test, but I was on a GF diet. Doctor said if I went back to normal for 3 months it would give a clearer result. I wasn't prepared to do that (too painful). I think a biopsy is the only way to find out for sure, and on a normal diet - but if you know that you're sensitive to gluten, why do through all that just for a label? Jue

autogirl profile image
autogirl in reply to vince

i diagnosed myself as my doctor is not taught about thyroid disease (autoimmune) and don1t trust them with my health. i had mouth ulcers for many years and when i got to 50 (menoHormones affect us physically, mentally and emotionally and if you have problems in the following areas of your health they may be hormonally linked:

stress (e.g. cortisol, a stress hormone)

weight problems (e.g. insulin, blood sugar hormone and thyroid hormones)

immunity (e.g. cortisol)

depression and anxiety (e.g. cortisol and thyroid hormones)

headaches (e.g. oestrogen and cortisol)

tiredness and fatigue (e.g. cortisol and thyroid hormones)

loss of libido (e.g. oestrogen and cortisol)

disturbed sleep (e.g. cortisol)

and these are just a few examples …

i got stomach problems and this is when i relised it was celiac, i have been gluten free for 2+years and have cross reaction to milk chocolate and buckwheat. as i eat some GF with LUPIN flour in it which is bad as i also have Hasimoto`s disease and RA.

weee profile image

I developed a DVT in my arm. Subsequent blood tests showed anaemia and an endoscopy was ordered..

Mmmm profile image

Muscle weakness was a major problem for me - I was not diagnosed on the basis of any symptoms but as a result of routine screening. People with Type 1 diabetes are screened every 3 years in Glasgow but somehow I had missed out for years and nobody had done the right tests when I complained about all the abdominal etc symptoms.

alfieboy profile image
alfieboy in reply to Mmmm

I had muscle week ness and tiredness, severe itching, had bloods..diagnosed severe animia and cd, that was 2 yrs ago, feel much better since goin gf but still have severe itching mainly at night. Take piriton but not much help.

haydn74 profile image

Only when i broke my arm last year was it discovered that, due to subsequent blood tests and endoscopy, i had cd. Osteoporosis. weight loss and tiredness were also a factor. It seems not everyone suffers from stomach bloating, cramps etc.. although the bathroom might see a bit more of me, and now need a peg on my nose!!

tygfuz profile image

In the symptoms section of the new profile page I can't find diarrhea.

Lynilou profile image

So weak and dizzy I was almost passing out at work, blood test highlighted severe anaemia but not coeliac. List doesn't say weight loss? I lost over two stone in weight. Hence dr wanted to know what was causing the anaemia and weight loss, thank goodness he pursued it. Gastroscopy confirmed coeliac.

poing profile image

Interesting to see that about 30% of people are reporting constipation as a symptom...

Doctors don't seem to pay much attention to constipation.

Wend100 profile image

This graph should have a question about painful joints. When I have eaten gluten without knowing (recent change from calcichew to a cheaper alternative) I suffered pain in all my joints. Needing to move and wake them up before I could even walk each morning. Now thankfully back on original prescription. Medication does not have to list gluten content.

zahina31 profile image

i have |IBS but im borderline coeliac

Saltire profile image

I have had a negative blood result for CD but decided to go GF after the blood test and felt much better until I had some gluten a few days ago and my skin feels like it is on fire. I could not put up with the joint and back pain, constant tiredness, disturbed (lack of sleep) sleep pattern, low mood, tingling/burning sensation on my skin, headaches, oesophagitis, bloating, diarrhoea, blocked sinuses and the thought of the possibility of having to go through all of that again fills me with dread. I've had my little experiment (blip) and do not want to have to eat gluten before having any other tests for a firm diagnosis. The worst thing for me is the skin symptoms and sleep/mood patterns. All else I could live with at a (severe) push.

Ianavensis2 profile image

I was getting small blister like rashes it was very itchy. Went to Dr who took a blood test. He did not think it was diet related but decided to test for TTg antibodie. Sure enough it came back positive which had it confirmed as Dermitis Herpetiformis. Also had a biopsy on my small intestines. That also confirmed I had coeliac disease. So I suffer with both.

yorkshirebb profile image

Final straw was trying to give blood and they wouldn't take it, telling me to straight to the doctors where only reason was referred to specialist was due to doctors own farther being coeliac. This was about 14 years ago, although did follow 5 years of frequent visits to another surgery before we moved.

Chancery profile image

I am in the bizarre position of having nearly all the symptoms, except dia' - I've even got IgA deficiency and unexplained anaemia - and yet coeliac test after test comes up negative. I now seem to have developed severe IBS, i.e. the catch-all of doctors when they don't know what's wrong, but I still don't qualify as coeliac. It's as if I'm some kind of false coeliac sufferer. Perhaps I should name that as a new syndrome....

corsaUMM profile image
corsaUMM in reply to Chancery

Just give up gluten and see what happens. Blow qualifying as Coeliac ,if you give up gluten for three months and feel better, that's it problem solved. No one has to PROVE anything to anyone only yourself.

Chancery profile image
Chancery in reply to corsaUMM

You're absolutely right, Corsa. Unfortunately, I've given up wheat (and I imagine most gluten, except soy - can't think of anything else!) as part of the FODMAP diet for this IBS, but it doesn't seem to have improved matters. God alone knows what's wrong here - I just wish he'd let me in on it. I've even bought gluten free oats just in case this IS a gluten problem, but I'm not seeing it somehow... sigh.

Whin profile image

Although some of the above were issues for me, the main thing which lead to my testing for coeliac was severe anaemia.