Cleaning my 20 year old Elephant Head - Graduates of GGC PMP

Graduates of GGC PMP

Cleaning my 20 year old Elephant Head

Fibroska profile image
4 Replies

Hhaa Hhaa! That got you interested didn't it :).

So at the beginning of the year, I made a list of the things that I'd been putting off over the years. I've been sewing, mending my 31 year old velvet coat from Amsterdam, I had an old 'Flower Fairy Address Book' which I'd been planning on making art work out of, I just need to find frames. My most recent cross off, was the cleaning of my daughters 20 year old Elephant Head, I had my Dad hunt this out when he worked in Zandvoort, after my now husband and i had a wonderfully crazy week there and seen others, I requested an Elephant Head on my Dad's return.

Zaannii(See Pic. example of dirty ear/clean ear) had spent 18 years in pride of place hanging on our stair wall, then his hanging cord came away and once he was down, noticing his grubbiness (smoking household) I knew I wanted to do something about it, unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to fix, or clean it (it has a cardboard sheet under the material on the back), thank's to the likes of 'The Repair Shop' and advice found on the internet(researched months ago), I had the confidence to give it a go.

I made up my cleaning solution, got everything required and with cotton buds ready, I did my patch test, everything was good; this did take me a good 5-6 hours, which was done in a couple of hours per day, 15-20 min sessions at a time. The whole process was an extremely mindful experience, throwing up all sorts of memories and emotions which I was not expecting. I do normally take great delight in the transformation of things(whether I'm doing, or someone else is doing) but this was such a positive experience, this wasn't just getting something clean.

It doesn't matter how long it takes you to get there, make your list and cross it off as You Can, the pleasure and fulfilment you will feel in getting that long term job done is priceless.

It was only last week I managed to shake off my 'Corona Vaccine Chronic Pain Flare Up', pain levels heightened since the end of February, I had been feeling really down, being hard on myself as i hadn't been much help around the house, I hadn't been exercising or practising my Pain Management Program, i hadn't been communicating with family or friends. A day or two with normal pain, I was itching to do something but didn't want to push myself, Zaannii popped into my head and i knew what to do. Since completing this I have: felt lighter, pleased I accomplished something, communicated with family and friends, been out a walk and started recapping my 'Pain Management Program'.

Positive actions, create positive waves, ride the wave, don't fight it!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I send warm wishes and gentle hugs to you all.

Remember and be kind to yourself!

Stay safe, keep well and be strong!

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Fibroska profile image
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4 Replies
LesE62 profile image

Wow Fibroska ....that's a job well done! Zaannii looks fab and what a difference....well done you.

What a positive post this is and good to see you getting back on track.

You certainly sound as though you have been busy and ticking a few things off your list of to do jobs!

I haven't been on the site much lately - pop on occasionally but not been feeling much like posting news etc as I have not been very good at my PMP goals etc either. Been struggling even with mindfulness and as you know, I am normally quite good at keeping that up.

Anyway.... enough of the negative chat!! I too intend to start giving myself a shake and trying to get back on the "bike" and make even some small positive steps.

I have been doing a little pottering around in the garden and have also tried my hand at a little painting - I'd never painted before and I'm not very artistic but I am enjoying myself. My attempts are nothing to write home about but as I say, the main thing is it's something new and I am enjoying it.

So nice to hear your news and positivity shining through as usual.

Keep up the good work, look after yourself and be kind to yourself x

Fibroska profile image
Fibroska in reply to LesE62

Hi L. . . good to hear from you, though I am sorry to hear that you are struggling.I like you, have found the winter a real struggle, I think it really hit home, how isolating life can be; with out loved ones by your side for such a long period, is just horrendous.

This year so far has been as much of a roller coaster ride as last year, emotionally and physically, I'm still wondering when is it ever going to end!

By the sounds of things we've been through pretty much the same experiences, falling away from your PMP practices, falling back into bad habits, being totally down on yourself over every little thing, then when there wasn't a 'thing', being down on yourself over your PMP etc. I understand how hard the battle is, but please remember, it's ok, everything is OK. We can have as many wobbles, for as long as, but with the tools we are now equipped with we are always going to circle back round to using them. Try to remind yourself that although you have done this before you can't just start up where you left off, it's much better to take the slow steady root, start at the beginning and build everything up ever so gently; at your own pace.

I think this is why I posted about Zaannii, on being surprised at the awesome outcome I was getting, I realised how much I had actually achieved this year. Look at You, you've taken up a brand new hobby(which I'm itching to see), you're not going to be Bob Ross over night and the main thing is that you are enjoying it. You have also managed to keep pottering in your lovely garden, well done you on that; you must really be enjoying our lighter nights, have you seen your pheasant was it, is it too early yet? I'm sure you'll increase your enjoyment of the garden as the weather continues to improve. This past week has been mad here weather wise, sun splitting the trees and hail or snow, quite a few time too; I recon we're in for a scortcher in May.

I should have prob. pm you, I hope you have managed to get some relief with your new medication, though you may still be getting use to it; you have been through a hell of a lot this past year L, over and above that which everyone has been experiencing, please try not to be down on yourself.

I'm sure your eyeballs have had enough for now, so I'll sign off, in the hope that yourself and John are managing and coping with everything ok. I know ok isn't really good enough at times, but I really don't think we'll be under too many restrictions for too much longer(famous last words); though I don't think we'll be rushing back out there to do everything straight away. I can definitely see a coffee date by the end of the year :).

Remember and be kind to yourself my dear friend, keep taking the little steps, they all add up; warm wishes to all the family, and gentle hugs.

Stay safe, keep well and be strong.


Db74 profile image

I'm glad to hear you're on the up fibroska.😁 I had a bit of a harder time for a while after Christmas, I think partly weather related but the spring and getting out for wee walks has gave me a wee gee up. It's good to have a sense of purpose and to be able to look at a job well done. That always works as a wee lift to me. When you mentioned the elephant head I was half expecting you to go down the marabou stork nightmares route with this story.🤭

MartyD profile image

What a lovely story Fibroska and nice to hear of the new skills you can pick up from a TV programme. Zaannii looks the better for all your hard work.

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