Just looking some advice.
Just looking some advice.
Where did the "pain" come from ?? How do you know the "pain" came from the prostate ??
Have had my prostate examined by a doctor a few times so I know the area
Thank you. I am unable to figure out where exactly my prostate is and whether the pain I am getting is emanating from the rectum or the prostate.
I would go see a Doctor or Urologist. You need your advice from a Professional.
I imagine it's very unusual to get a pain in the prostate gland after sex. The prostate gland itself doesn't really do sudden pain as such, more of a constant ache. It's also very easy to mistake pain in the anus/rectum for the prostate and vice versa. Or other anatomical structures in that area.
If you get it suddenly every time after sex then it's most likely something to do with structures that have smooth muscle in them, this could be the prostate gland, the vas deferens or seminal vesicles. The muscle may go into spasm. Possibly caused by inflammation or, more likely, an obstruction.
In any event, you need to see a urologist, I doubt if your normal General Practitioner can pin it down.