School: Hi, I wonder if anyone can offer a... - FASD Support

FASD Support

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Gladsayer1 profile image
7 Replies


I wonder if anyone can offer a little advice. We foster an 8yr old boy with FASD and he he seems to really struggle in mainstream school. We have seen a significant change in behaviour at home and school over the last 6mths.

I would welcome and advice or tips you have to help.

Thank you so much x

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7 Replies
dianakitten15 profile image


Our 10 yr old son is awaiting a FAS diagnosis. He has always skipped into school happily, but has had meltdowns when he comes home. Now that he is older and better able to express himself, he has told us that he feels he has been struggling in school since Yr 3 (ie the start of Juniors) and about where your son is now. Knowing what we do about FAS kids now, it has become very clear to me that the mainstream school environment is too over stimulating, and socially and academically challenging for FAS kids, and I am currently looking to get more support for my son (this has been extremely difficult in the absence of a statement/EHCP etc). If he cannot get more support, I feel I would need to move him to a smaller school. or a school for children with special needs. I firmly believe we would see a reduction in the number of meltdowns if his needs were better addressed at school.

I hope this helps.


Gladsayer1 profile image
Gladsayer1 in reply to dianakitten15

Thank you so much Diane.

I know we're struggling at the moment with regards to school. I am trying all ways i possibly can to get extra help/support.

I do appreciate your response x

WildPoppies profile image

Hello Gladsayer1

It can be really tough with our special FASD children can't it?

I wonder, what help do you have so far? Does he have a diagnosis?

Is there support in school for him - eg. statement or EHC Plan. Is the Educational Psychologist involved, or occupational therapy, or CAMHS, or any other professionals?

What kind of behaviours are you seeing in the home, and are the same behaviours at school too?

Would you be happy to explain a bit more?

FASD FAS Education information is now available too Schools. Can put in interventions with or without a diagnosis FC can use Pupil premium along side Childs Personal Education plan in conjunction with your LA's Virtual Head.

Adopted children, SGO's,and children with Residency Orders should be able too access the PUPIL Premium Plus for additional support £1900pa which is paid direct too school'

see FASD FAS Information for teachers at just page down too CCLD Briefing packs. would be useful for teachers too read and LA's Virtual head.


Joygirl profile image

Try the FASD Trust who have a guide for teachers. Email to

Every child is different, and each authority offers different support. Try your local parent partnership as they offer specific local knowledge support to parents of kids struggling in school.

Also your school will have a SENCO (special needs co-ordination); make an appointment to see them, assuming you have not done so anyway, and express your concerns to them and ask for their advice and support too. One of our kids Sencos has been superb.

That's a very open question, could you narrow it down slightly? Is it behaviour, toileting, violence, educational, personal care, socialising....the list goes on x

MiniV07 profile image

hi,our 7yr old struggled with yr 3 transition,luckily her Ed Psych recognized this early and a statement was processed and completed September 2014,however,this hasn't stopped the difficulties or struggles and mainly due to lack of knowledge by the teachers and assistants,i have sent lots of handouts to school and explained lots of times about sensory overload,processing info. problems etc,they seem to be a bit more relaxed but we have managed to get a place in a special school as mainstream isn't working now.bombard school with FASD info and see if the SENCO can help with EHCP if he hasnt got one already

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