my daughter is now setting her bed linin alig... - FASD Support
my daughter is now setting her bed linin alight is this behavior to be expected
I wouldn't have thought so, and would urge you to try and get some help with this.
Yes this is quite normal unfortunately. My brother who we adopted when he was 2 is now 22. Today he has been released from prison, his sentence was due to arson.
We always knew that there was something wrong with my brother but we found out too late what it was when he ended up in prison.
When he was alot younger he tried to set alight my nana's carpet.
F.A.S.D sufferers tend to suffer from behavioral problems and attention seeking opportunities.
I spoke to a well knowledged lady today for support, she is fantastic.
Julia Brown 01608 811599. She may know what to do.
Would suggest
1. How is your child setting the bedding alight? Matches? Lighters? Make sure you remove and lock away anything like this they can use to set fires.
2. Don't try and explain it is dangerous, they won't get that - too complicated. So, just make it clear that this is not good, makes you unhappy and they are not to do it. No arguing.
3. Give them something else to do in their bedroom. Picture books? Music to listen to? Dolls to play with? Ninentendo or other games consule? Cuddly toys to play with?
4. Make sure you have good contents / house insurance.................!!!!!!!!!!
5. Make sure the batteries in your smoke alarms are working.
PS sudden thought. Are they making the fire to keep warm? Buy a soft thick cuddly blanket or one of those snuggle pets - that might also distract them as well............ Good Luck!
i think "anything goes" with these children. What I mean is you cannot predict what types of behaviour they will show. My AD is the most complex, emotional, aggressive, destructive etc etc child, who is very bright but at aged 5 1/2 is not reading or writing. Each time i leave a room i take a good look around and do a risk assessment if there is anything left out that she can hurt herself or someone or do damage with, it doesnt work everytime! our house is destroyed. We are unable to have pets as i know she would seriously hurt them. no-one seems to know what to do for her, they just keep saying i should "give her back" as we are at serious risk of harm! well that doesnt solve anything does it? good luck !