does any one have any tips or can tell me whe... - FASD Support

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does any one have any tips or can tell me where to get good info about eating issues, our little one , throws/spits/puts in hair her food

songar profile image
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fasdintervention profile image

The Edmonton Fetal Alcohol Network's booklet "Strategies not Solutions" has some great tips around eating and other issues faced by those with FASD. I believe the eating tips start on page 30.

Also, feel free to check out our blog for regular updates on intervention tips, news, resources, etc.


Lauren Baugh

Intervention Network Action Team

Canada FASD Research Network

songar profile image
songar in reply to fasdintervention

thank you Lauren, I am just struggling with, which is best... ignoring the throwing and daubimg in her hair or reinforcing that she should be eating it, not throwing it. i will check out the link now

thanks again

Joygirl profile image

being parent to an older child big mistake we made was allowing behaviour that was "cute" when child was 3 or 4 but not acceptable when 13!!! Best to encourage good behaviour and what it is that you want when your child is 18.

Joygirl profile image

Another thought to eating issues - have you been referred to Occupational Therapy? Children with FASD struggle with fine motor skills, sensory issues (a really fascinating experiment is to get older kids to try different foods and tell you whether it tastes sweet, sour, etc - interesting answers sometimes - did you know lemons are sweet?) spatial awareness and hand / eye co-ordination. OT recommended different cutlery and special pencils for school for one of ours. And, when our eldest was little, we just used to give up and feed her ourselves!!!

songar profile image
songar in reply to Joygirl

thank you, shes 19 months so i dont think paediatrician has thought about occ health yet, but will ask at next apt, she prefers to feed herself, and a certain ammount of throwing, daubing etc, is to be expected due to age, i just really wanted toget a feel for the approach, if its better to approach all behaviours from a "lets not do that "stance, or, ignore the behaviour and praise the good, so she stops?? as it happens we ignored the throwing, just gave her more food, and she has virtually stopped, now she throws it if she doesnt want it, but not all the time like before. her coordination is very good, shes a bit wobbly in her feet though, falls a lot, but food makes its way to her mouth no problem..thank you so much for all your advice joy girl. x

in reply to songar

Hi been there, mine Two with FULL FAS now both young adults in early 20's

Yes children with FAS/D have eating problems. We found best was go with the flow it's just how they are, eat of the hoof, feed small portions often, experiment

make food interesting, at the moment (yes still there) if she gets fed up half way through her yogurt i finnish it of with ALL Gone, looks could kill , but it's getting there, who eats it up 1st !!, she is 18 months.

The older ones are still fuddy eaters but dont look starved,

Joygirl profile image

I remember my eldest saving the peas from main course when we were having yogurt for pudding because apparently peas taste fantastic for dessert when mixed and covered with yogurt.......

songar profile image

That's great. : )

I am just happy that she eats , x

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