how do I get people to employ me, with my FASD, as no one is taking me on? and is making me incredibly sad
please help
how do I get people to employ me, with my FASD, as no one is taking me on? and is making me incredibly sad
please help
Hi Chloe - I am so sorry, this sounds frustrating. You deserve support at work.
There is some info here:
There is a link there for document you can give to employers to help them understand. That is here:
I hope that helps!
Hi Chloe, your local job centre has workers themselves or local projects that they will connect you to who support people with disabilities into work experience and jobs. Perhaps start with chatting to them and they may be able to get you the support to get you into a job too. Don't give up. I have met hundreds of people with FASD and everyone I have met have great talents so I know that there will be a right sort of job for you too.