need help carnt find a school near me or a little way away for my 10 year old he has FASD and HDHD and sensory anybod got any ideas Norfolk or Cambridgeshire please im in kings lynn Norfolk
FASD: need help carnt find a school near me or... - FASD Support

Have you checked your local offer to see what schools are available for those with additional needs? If you google your area and 'local offer' it should show all the available options plus other support available (respite, clubs, etc). It really depends on each child and what is a good fit for school. Be careful though regarding SEMH schools, esp for secondary - while some get on well there (esp in primary), they often are based on a rewards systems that many with FASD can't cope with and can cause some increased problems/anxieties. Schools with therapeutic/individualised approach, including sensory breaks, etc are often a good fit. But it really does vary, so worth visiting ones you are interested in. Some can also do well with therapeutic residential schools if things are particularly challenging. If mainstream, really need to explore with SENCO what 'reasonable adjustments' they will make and what options are available for alternatives to GCSCEs if it seems unlikely they will be able to do GSCEs. Assume you have an EHCP which is where it all starts, should have a) neurodevelopmental assessment for cognitive processing info, b) thorough speech and language assessment (including receptive language) and c) OT/sensory integration assessment outlining what sensory supports are needed (a 'sensory diet'). Sounds like you have some of this already. Good luck!!
thankyou yes i have all these i place he has been in main stream school but had a one to one now county has decided he needs specialist school have looked at a few the one i want county says is full and is private so they carnt intervene others i have looked are pupil referral unit and i tried that dor short term and it didnt work he learned so much more unacceptable behaviour but many times
A child with FASD has special educational needs - a pupil referral unit is not likely to help and may only make things worse as you say. Depending on how his test results were, he may qualify for a school with mild learning disabilities or a neurodevelopmental condition. Sometimes the schools say ' MLD or autism' but you can fight that. It's also possible to appeal if there is a private option that would meet the needs when nothing else is and the LA is not granting that.
Have you checked out IPSEA's resources? They have a helpline and can offer legal advice.
Ex - it might be possible to appeal if they are saying a school is full. IPSEA says: "There is no definition in law of what it means for a school to be ‘full’. LAs are able to name schools which say they are ‘full’ in EHC plans and must do so unless they are able to prove the child’s attendance is incompatible with the efficient education of others. In order to refuse to name a school, the LA has to show that because of the high numbers of pupils in the school, the child’s needs won’t be met, or that other children’s needs would not be met, or that there would be an inefficient use of resources (for example, as a result of them having to appoint another teacher or build another classroom)."
Your local SENDIASS may also be able to help advise you.
Good luck!!