Does anyone know of any specialist schools that cater just for fasd?
Specialist Schools: Does anyone know of any... - FASD Support
Specialist Schools
Hi there,
I think there are special classrooms and possibly schools for FASD in the US but unfortunately not in the U.K. as far as I know.
Depending on where your child is on the spectrum, having done some research for our son it looks like schools specialising in social, behavioural (sometimes called mental health instead) and emotional difficulties are the best. A lot of special schools are for autism and quite severe learning disabilities/developmental delay which doesn't feel right at least for our son. We went to a school specialising in SEB difficulties and it felt spot on. Not what I'd imagined either. Small classes with high ratio of teachers but other than that it felt a lot like a mainstream school in many ways. And looking at the pupils I saw my son in many of them. I think it's likely he'll go there in the future.
Hope that helps,
I'd been wondering the same thing as we're looking around for appropriate secondary provision. We've looked at main stream secondaries but feel they would be overwhelming and cause sensory overload. Saw a couple of local authority special schools, but no opportunity to do GCSE's if this looked like a possibility in a few years time. We've now found a lovely small independent special school for specific learning difficulties such as Dsypraxia, Dsylexia as well as Autism - it's not specifically for FASD but it's calm, with onsite OT's and in a quiet rural setting. Now we just have to persuade the local authority to pay for it as there's no other suitable alternative! If you look at your Local Authority Local Offer they will give a list of schools special and mainstream and some independent.
Hi at present there arent any and personal experience is it depends on your child, where you live, provision in your area. I would go look at the schools in your area. Ask lots of questions. We got a feeling about which was right. The FASD Trust have an education project. Speak to them to see if they know any schools in your area. Their number is 01865 249771