I was diagnosed with fetal alcholic spectrum disorder in December 2016 and finding it hard to cope with
Fasd: I was diagnosed with fetal alcholic... - FASD Support
Hello Cheekycharlie30 big hugs to you.
I often watch my daughter struggle and she's 10. Her main thing is remembering more than one thing at a time and also controlling her emotions.
Are you struggling with managing your day or with accepting the FASD diagnosis?
Everyone on here will reply if they can be helpful x
Hi cheeky Charlie - you are not alone that is for sure! My son is 15 next week and it took us ages to find out why he was like he was - we had no idea when we adopted him and it has been a long road - and still is . It has helped us to help him though - actually having a diagnosis - as it helped me to research the condition and find out about coping strategies and other stuff.
There is a lot of research in Canada and America - this is particularly useful as they have been aware of the condition for far longer than the UK and there are teenagers and adults who have coped and moved forward with this. There is a lovely guy on utube who inspired my son when he felt low and likens himself to a superhero.
Lee is 30 years old and he is lovely - have a look.
Try to look for what you can do not what you can't. All the very best to you
my son is 13 with an ASD/FASD diagnosis and it's a struggle every day. My question is the same. Are you struggling with the diagnosis or with everyday life?