My story - being pregnant and my best... - Essential Parent ...

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My story - being pregnant and my best friend passing away

Claire245 profile image
3 Replies

My story starts when I was a child.. me and my father were inseparable, the bestest friend you could ever ask for! We would learn together, he would teach me the time, even help me with algebra. He would plat my hair or even curl it with curlers, do my make up and I’d do his.

Bike rides and baking cakes. He taught me how to cook too. I learnt so much from my father, he was the best! Even our long phone calls that would last hours and hours, we would talk about everything and anything. He was the only person I could trust.

My father was a big fella due to prescription drugs. He was a manic depressive and over time found himself struggling to walk due to his back and knees. My dad then finally became house bound.. or bedroom bound. I tried my best for many years to keep him a float with my love, company, PS4 games and the love of guitars. But my dad was a very positive person even tho he struggled with his mental health and pain.

November 2018 came along and I found out I was pregnant with my third child.. me and my husband were over the moon as we’d be trying for over a year. As soon as I found out, I told my mum and dad!

As you can imagine there were ecstatic!

Christmas came and it was great!! I bought my father a new guitar and all sat round the table enjoying Christmas!

Little did I know that would of been the last Christmas I spent with my father.

January 8th 2019 I got a phone call to say my dad was deteriorating. He got phenomena 2 days before and was rushed to hospital due to not being able to breathe properly.

As you can imagine, I was there every step of the way.

As soon as I got the phone call, I drove straight to the hospital in a panic. As I got there, me and my mother was put into a quiet room.. I knew straight away it was bad news. My mum started to panic and I tried to hold my tears back. A doctor came in and he looked at me and I knew what he was going to say.. my heart sunk. He said ‘I’m so sorry’. I started to scream and cry. I just couldn’t help it. My best friend had left me.. how was I going to cope but I had to be strong as I was 10 weeks pregnant.

It broke my heart as my dad never saw my 12 week scan. He would of been so proud.

Since that day.. I have thought about my father every single day. And I have cried at least once a week. 9 months on and it still feels like it happened yesterday. I can’t get over what happened.

I cry myself to sleep at night knowing I can never hear his voice again or to even tell him that I love him.

My newborn is now 12 weeks old.. I had a little girl. My first girl too ☺️ my father always wished I would have a girl as he knew I always wanted a baby girl.

He would be so proud. I just wish I could tell him how well she’s doing but I can’t and it breaks my heart. It breaks my heart that my little baby will never meet her grandad.

I wrote this story to maybe help get things off my chest and maybe help others that are going through the same and that your not alone.

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Claire245 profile image
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3 Replies
Cheekymonkey85 profile image

I kind of know how you feel. although not recent, I lost my dad almost 20years ago. I was 14, he lived away due to work so time with him was precious. We used to spend the whole of the summer & Easter holidays with him. He was the best.

Just before he was due to visit us, we got a phone call telling us he had been rushed to hospital. Mum managed to get a family member to take us on the long drive down to Surrey but by the time we got there he'd had a massive heart attack and died. He was only 44.

One of the hardest things for me is knowing he never got to meet his grandchildren, he would have loved them all so much & I just know they would have adored him just as much. My sisters & I have always made a point of making sure the kids know who he was. We share photos & stories. He will never be forgotten.

It's true what they say, time is a great healer. I know it's difficult now, but it will get better. Sending you big hugs xx

Claire245 profile image
Claire245 in reply to Cheekymonkey85

Thank you so much for having the time to read my story! Knowing someone as been through the same situation makes me feel a little better that I’m not alone in this. I can imagine at 14 years old, that must of been the hardest thing to ever go through at such a young age. A month before I was 27 (this year) is when my dad passed.. aged 65.

I’m really sorry for your loss. But like you said in time.. it should get better. At the moment it feels like it won’t.

Can I ask, did you ever get any help for your loss?

Thank you


Cheekymonkey85 profile image
Cheekymonkey85 in reply to Claire245

At the time it was pretty horrific. I used to have this awful reoccurring dream about it. Sadly neither me or my sisters were offered any help to get through it, even though me & younger sister were still in school.

I feel personally I've dealt with things ok & came to terms with things in my own time. Talking helps, with friends & family. I love sharing funny stories about him, sharing memories with my sisters etc. I particularly love chatting to this friends, the ones he grew up with. We used to visit his grave twice a year focusing on Father's Day & his birthday in November. We never go on the actual anniversary (which weirdly is 7th January).

It's been a few tears since we last went as he's buried in a family plot in Staffordshire where he's from & we live in Lancashire so it's not always easy to get there. I need to go soon though, it's such a lovely peaceful place.


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