Does anyone Know of any financial sup... - The Dyslexia Comm...
Does anyone Know of any financial support towards paying for a dyslexia assessment ready for University and applying for DSA ?
hi, you can get a full dyslexia assessment from the disabiltiles team at the university. i understand you wanting to get it sorted before you attend but you are actually in a very good position as higher education is the best way to get an assassment and detailed report of your support needs which they will then help you with.
i guess you could put 'suspect dyslexic' on your application form or phone the disabilities team at your intended uni. to see how quick they can get get you through the screening process, in my experience they do this quickly at the beginning of term along with all the admin stuff
it is free, well is was a few years ago, don't know about now with the reforms
good luck
I think the answer will depend on the University that you eventually attend. Some Universities like the assessment for the DSA to be done before arrival so they have plenty of time to arrange a 'needs' assessment based on this to see how they can support your education. However, I have also heard that some universities will give some financial assistance towards the initial DSA assessment which should be done by a suitably qualified specialist.
hi, its still free to get assessed im in my first year of uni, get in touch with the disability support team before you start to get the ball rolling or you could put on your ucas form possible/suspected dyslexia and they should contact you (that's what i did)
then they should book you in for an assessment within the first few weeks of you starting and they will help you to apply for DSA once the educational psychologist has finalized the report.
in the mean time of getting your assessment & DSA through they may be able to offer you some equipment on loan to help, i got a dictaphone to record lectures which i found really helpful.
Good luck & hope this helped
Hi thank you all for your help. My daughter has been assessed in the past but the assessment is out of date. She gets support at college and she has put on her UCAS forms she is dyslexic. The college used to fund the assessment for university but this has now been stopped. I didn't realise that university would fund it or part fund it so once she hears back about whether she has been accepted at either university I will get her to contact them regarding having assessment done. Thank you again.